Stanford student and Cisco intern Greg Justice a hit on YouTube

Greg Justice
Greg Justice

Media outlets, including the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal‘s Digital Network, are writing about GREG JUSTICE, a Stanford social-media intern at Cisco Systems, and his unique blog, now all the rage on YouTube. Each intern at Cisco is assigned to keep a weekly blog. Justice has done his as a rap video called “I Am the World’s Most Interesting Intern.” explained the video this way: “Apparently, the 21-year-old Stanford University student is currently working with Cisco’s Communications department to ‘harness social media to amplify Cisco’s awesomeness.’ He was given the opportunity to drop beats on the company blog on a regular basis after his boss heard him rapping in his cubicle. Justice isn’t a stranger to music, either. ‘I was the front man for a five-piece Stanford hip-hop/rock band that failed miserably,’ he explains. ‘More importantly, I grew up listening to the Lion King soundtrack on repeat.’”

The Wall Street Journal‘s Kara Swisher, writing in “All Things Digital,” called Justice “adorkable” and posted this excerpt: “I’m courteous and affable, my name badge is retractable/You other interns laughable, your thermos must be half as full.”

Check out the video.