Trish Del Pozzo feted by the Senate
Members of the Faculty Senate recently recognized TRISH DEL POZZO, assistant academic secretary, for her 30 years of service to Stanford with the following resolution, read by Senate Chair ANDREA GOLDSMITH, professor of electrical engineering:
“Where, during the period that Trish has served as assistant academic secretary, there have been 25 chairs of the Faculty Senate, seven academic secretaries but only one assistant academic secretary—herself,
“Whereas, she is the institutional memory of the of the Faculty Senate and the Academic Council,
“Whereas, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of the faculty and a keen ability to understand the needs and quirks of individual members of the senate, its committees and especially the senate chair,
“Whereas, she is a patient teacher of academic secretaries, and staff members on the committees of the Academic Council have found her to be incredibly helpful and supportive,
“Whereas, while the chairs of the senate may have held the gavel, she guided them, brightening their path with grace, good humor and remarkable attention to detail,
“Whereas, she has created a wonderful legacy of dedication and service to the Academic Secretary’s Office, the Faculty Senate, the Academic Council and to all of us bound up with the university,
“Recognizing that she is irreplaceable, we therefore declare Trish Del Pozzo Honorary Assistant Academic Secretary and Friend of the Senate in perpetuo, with all the rights and privileges thereunto.”
Del Pozzo was also presented with her 30-year service pin and a turquoise Native American necklace and feted with reception she had arranged, not knowing that the gathering was in her honor.