And the Fidler goes to . . .

Ken Hsu was presented with the Margaret Ann Fidler Award on Tuesday. Photo by L.A. Cicero

At a ceremony complete with red carpet, a Joan Rivers lookalike, and a John Travolta impersonator, the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs Tuesday named KEN HSU, director of the Graduate Life Office, the recipient of this year’s Margaret Ann Fidler Award for Distinguished Service in Student Affairs.

The award, named for MARGARET ANN FIDLER, former associate vice provost for administration in Student Affairs, recognizes those who “demonstrate extraordinary dedication to their work and the mission of the university and whose work reflects integrity and a sincere belief in the value of teamwork and collaboration.” The winner is kept secret until it is presented at the annual Student Affairs Service Awards breakfast.

Fidler, who retired in 2001, was traveling and unavailable for this year’s presentation, but as is custom, Hsu will have lunch with her and previous winners of the award. He also will receive a $1000 prize.

CHRIS GRIFFITH associate vice provost for student life, presented the award to Hsu, recognizing his gifts as a role model, his extraordinarily calm, and his empathetic crisis-resolution skills.

Hsu, who was born in Taiwan and immigrated Wisconsin at the age of 14, also was cited “for being everyone’s favorite [University of Wisconsin] Badger Football fan outside of Wisconsin.”

Hsu said he had come to the breakfast under the pretense of meeting with Griffith and was completely caught off guard. “To look at all those dedicated people in Student Affairs, it’s very humbling. Everybody there is at least equally deserving.”

Hsu came to Stanford in 2000 as an undergraduate residence dean in Residential Education, working with freshmen in the Wilbur and Stern dorms. In 2004 moved to the Graduate Life Office as an assistant dean. He was promoted to assistant vice provost and director of that office in 2007.

In addition to the Fidler Award, the event was an occasion to recognize staff in the division who were celebrating their fifth, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th and 35th anniversaries. WENDY STEELE, VPSA’s HR manager, who dubbed herself Billy Crystal for the Academy Awards themed morning, planned this year’s event.

If you want to know more about the VPSA and its work, check out the fourth annual Student Affairs Assessment Poster Fair on Friday, May 18, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Tresidder Oak Lounge. Approximately 40 posters will be on display with staff on hand to explain their projects. Information about last year’s event is available on the Poster Fair website.