Stanford’s Medical School recently launched a blog, called “Scope,” as another way to provide the public with information about biomedical research and health-care policy. Scope covers achievements of Stanford faculty, staff and students, but also offers insight on medical and scientific developments around the world. Recent topics include a Stanford exhibit on vintage cigarette ads, research showing a gap in women’s knowledge on heart disease, and a video on ways to eat healthily on a limited budget.
The blog, conceived and maintained by MICHELLE BRANDT and JOHN STAFFORD, of the Medical School’s Office of Communications and Public Affairs, recently was nominated for a “Best New Medical Weblog” award in the annual Medgadget Medical Weblog Awards, and its contributors are asking for help to get it in first place. (Perhaps as an added incentive to vote, it should be noted that the blog currently in first place is written by Harvard faculty!) The ballot box is open until Sat. at 9 p.m.
Scope can be found at To vote, go to