President of Croatia honors work of Stanford oncologist

February 9th, 2010

Sikic, right, receives the award from Croatian President Stjepan Mesic at a ceremony in Zagreb last month.       Photo courtesy of Branimir Sikic

Sikic, right, receives the award from Croatian President Stjepan Mesic at a ceremony in Zagreb last month. Photo courtesy of Branimir Sikic

BRANIMIR SIKIC, professor of medicine in the Division of Oncology, has been awarded the Presidential Medal for Science and Medicine from Croatia’s President Stjepan Mesic. The award recognizes his achievements in cancer research and his contributions to medical education and cancer care and prevention in Croatia.
Sikic also is associate director of the Stanford Cancer Center and is a leading expert in the pharmacology of anticancer drugs. His lab studies mechanisms of drug resistance and predictive therapeutic biomarkers; his clinical research team develops new cancer therapies. Sikic, who called the award “unexpected and wonderful,” has strong ties to Croatia. His family emigrated from the country to the United States when he was 8 years old, and many family members still live and practice medicine there. (He counts 16 physicians in his extended family.) He received the award during a Jan. 19 ceremony in Zagreb. The full announcement is on the School of Medicine’s news website.

- Michelle Brandt, Stanford School of Medicine