Faculty and staff have many opportunities to do good during this Big Game Week, which will culminate on Saturday with the traditional football game versus Cal.
For instance, on Tuesday, Nov. 17, you can donate blood at the “Rivals for Life” drive from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation.
The blood drive, sponsored by BeWell and the Stanford Blood Center, is a competition between Cal and Stanford to see which institution can donate the most blood. Either way, hospital patients will be the real winners. Each donor will receive a T-shirt. One lucky donor will win two field passes for Big Game.
Also on Tuesday, Nov. 17, students at both institutions who are members of STAND, an anti-genocide coalition, will be holding a fast and donating the money they would have spent on food to the Darfur Stoves Project. Faculty and staff are welcome to join in.
The Darfur Stoves Project produces and distributes high-efficiency, low-cost stoves to Darfuri refugees. Requiring 75 percent less wood than traditional stoves, the fuel-efficient stoves benefit the environment and reduce the need for Darfuris to risk exposure by leaving camps to collect wood.
Students at Stanford will finish the day with a meal at the “Break the Fast” event from 6 to 8 p.m. on the first floor of Tresidder Union.
Finally, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is sponsoring a “Big Drive” for canned food donations all week. Cans will be collected in the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, and student-athletes also will collect canned food items at the men’s basketball game against Oral Roberts on Nov. 18 and the women’s basketball game against Pepperdine on Nov. 19. At Big Game, bring donations to the Fan Fest area, located on the outside of the stadium near the track.
Traditionally this event has been a competitive canned food drive between the athletic departments of Stanford and Cal. This year everyone is invited to join in. All the food will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank. The winner of the Big Drive will be announced during the Big Game.