Vaden to prioritize seasonal flu vaccine program

Due to a delay in the delivery of seasonal flu vaccine, Vaden Health Center  will limit its clinic to those with a high risk of complications from seasonal influenza.

Due to a delay in the delivery of seasonal flu vaccine, Vaden Health Center  will limit its seasonal flu vaccination clinic, which begins Monday, Oct. 12, to those with a high risk of complications from seasonal influenza.  This includes students, faculty, staff, retirees and their spouses or domestic partners. Additional seasonal flu vaccine has been ordered, but it is unknown at this time when the additional vaccine will be available. Those who do not fit the criteria described below may seek the vaccine from other vaccine providers.

The following individuals will be able to receive a vaccine:

  • all persons 50 years and older;
  • women who will be pregnant during the influenza season;
  • adults who have chronic pulmonary conditions, including asthma; cardiovascular conditions other than hypertension and renal, hepatic, neurological/neuromuscular, hematologic, or metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus;
  • adults who have immunosuppression, including immunosuppression caused by medications or by HIV;
  • household members of persons at high risk for complications from influenza;
  • household members and caregivers of children younger than 6 months;
  • health care workers.

This year, seasonal flu vaccines will be available at Vaden on Mondays through Dec. 14, except Nov. 23, from 3 - 6 p.m. The vaccination is free for students, faculty, staff and retirees who meet the above criteria. Spouses and domestic partners may receive the vaccine for $24.

The seasonal flu vaccine does not protect against the currently circulating 2009 H1N1 flu strain, commonly known as swine flu. Vaccine against that strain may be available on campus in the coming weeks, depending upon priorities set by public health authorities.

Updates will be provided to the campus on the university's flu website