Classified advertising


Palo Alto

FULLY FURNISHED small room and own bathroom down hall, in quiet tree-lined neighborhood, three miles from Stanford. Easy walk to shops and transportation. Free campus shuttle stops, bus to university. Shared use of kitchen, washer/dryer, garden. In newly remodeled home with hardwood floors, skylights and fireplace. Preferred short-term rental $1,000 a month. Utilities and WiFi included. For photos. Email: [email protected]


HOUSE ON CAMPUS: available for rent March 1 to May 31, 2013. (Rental through June 15, 2013 is negotiable). Three bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms, plus large upstairs study, laundry room and family room. Approximately 3,100 square feet, located at 889 Tolman Drive in cul-de-sac near elementary school. $6,000 a month plus refundable damage deposit. If interested, please contact David Thom at [email protected] for more information and pictures.



SEEKING PIANO INSTRUCTOR to teach two children ages 5 and 7 in their Cupertino home twice a week, 1 1/2 to two hours per child totaling three to four hours per week. Please email [email protected]



Payment for ads, BY U.S. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY, should be made payable to Stanford University ($25 per ad). NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN. Mail payment to classifieds editor Cynthia Lindsey, Stanford News Service, 425 Santa Teresa St., Stanford, CA94305-2245.

We accept ads in the following categories: housing available, housing needed, housing to share, housing exchange, vacation rental, real estate for sale, automobile for sale, employment, other services. Ads received by 5 p.m. Friday will appear online the following Monday.

Stanford University reserves the right to decline or edit classified ad requests.