Stanford University The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute
Featured Resources
King Online Encyclopedia
Search here for information on over 1000 civil rights movement figures, events and organizations; a chronology of the movement, and full-text documents published online.
Online King Records Access (OKRA)
The Online King Records Access (OKRA) database provides easily searchable access to information on thousands of speeches, sermons, letters, and other historic documents by and about Martin Luther King, Jr.!
Featured Documents
Updated weekly on Tuesdays, the Featured Document of the Week series highlights particular King documents that we've annotated. Check here and on Facebook weekly for updates!
About Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read a biographical essay on Martin Luther King, Jr., prepared by King Institute director Clayborne Carson and the Institute staff, extensively cross-referenced with links to the King Online Encyclopedia.
A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
The eleven sermons featured in this collection stand as a profound testament to King's prophetic voice against oppression.
A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.
This volume features the landmark speeches of King's career, spanning from the Montgomery bus boycott to his last speech in Memphis.
Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, 28 August 1963
King delivers his iconic speech "I Have a Dream" and urges America to "make real the promises of democracy."(Photo credit UPI/Corbis-Bettman)
Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, 16 April 1963
King writes an impassioned defense to eight clergymen critical of his involvement in the Birmingham Campaign and calls for the church to support the movement.
Martin Luther King, Jr.,The Drum Major Instinct, 4 February 1968
King's historic sermon at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church was to become his own eulogy two months later.
King Major Events Chronology 1929-1968
The chronology focuses on the major events of Dr. King's life only.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Written in his own words, this historymaking autobiography tells the inspiring life story of the preacher and preeminent leader of a movement that continues to transform America and the world.
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