King Encyclopedia
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Abernathy, Ralph David
Advice for Living (1957-1958)
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR)
Albany Movement
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
American Committee on Africa (ACOA)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
Anderson, William Gilchrist (1927- )
Angelou, Maya (1928- )
Apartheid (1948-1994)
Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (4 April 1968)
Azikiwe, Nnamdi (1904-1996)
Baker, Ella Josephine (1903-1986)
Baldwin, James (1924-1987)
Ballou, Maude L. Williams (1926- )
Barbour, Josephus Pius (1894-1974)
Barry, Marion Shepilov, Jr. (1936- )
Barth, Karl (1886-1968)
Bates, Daisy (1914-1999)
Belafonte, Harry (1927- )
Bevel, James Luther (1936-2008)
Beyond Vietnam (4 April 1967)
Birmingham Campaign (1963)
Black Nationalism
Black Power
Blackwell, Randolph T. (1927-1981)
Bond, Julian (1940- )
Borders, William Holmes, Sr. (1905-1993)
Boston University
Boutwell, Albert (1904-1978)
Bowles, Chester Bliss (1901-1986)
Boyte, Harry G. (1911-1977)
Braden, Anne Gamrell McCarty (1924-2006) and Braden, Carl James (1914-1975)
Brightman, Edgar Sheffield (1884-1953)
Bristol, James E. (1912-1992)
Browder v. Gayle, 352 U.S. 903 (1956)
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 347 U.S. 483 (1954) 349 U.S. 294 (1955)
Brown, Theodore Edward (1915-1983)
Bunche, Ralph Johnson (1904-1971)
Burroughs, Nannie Helen (1879-1961)
Carey, Archibald J., Jr. (1908-1981)
Carmichael, Stokely (1941-1998)
Carr, Johnnie Rebecca Daniels (1911-2008)
Challenor, Herschelle Sullivan (1938- )
Chalmers, Allan Knight (1897-1972)
Chicago Campaign (1966)
Children’s Crusade
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Clark, James Gardner (1922-2007)
Clark, Septima Poinsette (1898-1987)
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam (CALCAV)
Coleman, James Plemon (1914-1991)
Colvin, Claudette (1939- )
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Connor, Theophilus Eugene “Bull” (1897-1973)
Cook, Samuel DuBois Cook (1928- )
Cotton, Dorothy Foreman (1930- )
Council of Federated Organization (COFO)
Crozer Theological Seminary
Curry, Izola Ware (1916- )
Daniels, Jonathan Myrick (1939-1965)
Daves, Joan (1919-1997)
Davis, Benjamin Jefferson, Jr. (1903-1964)
Davis, George Washington (1902-1960)
Davis, Ossie (1917-2005), and Dee, Ruby (1924- )
Davis, Sammy, Jr. (1925-1990)
DeWolf, L. (Lotan) Harold (1905-1986)
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Alabama)
Diggs, Charles C., Jr. (1922-1998)
Dissertation of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1955)
Dobbs, John Wesley (1882-1961)
"Drum Major Instinct" (1968)
Durr, Virginia Foster (1903-1999)
Ebenezer Baptist Church (Atlanta, Georgia)
Eisenhower, Dwight David (1890-1969)
Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
Evers, Medgar (1925-1963)
Farmer, James (1920-1999)
Farris, Willie Christine King (1927- )
Fauntroy, Walter E. (1933- )
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)
Forman, James
Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878-1969)
Freedom Rides
Freedom Summer (1964)
Gandhi Society for Human Rights
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948)
Gaston, Arthur George, Sr. (1892-1996)
Ghana Trip (1957)
Goldwater, Barry M. (1909-1998)
Gomillion, Charles Goode (1900-1995)
Graetz, Robert (1928- )
Graham, Frank Porter (1886-1972)
Graham, William Franklin (1918- )
Granger, Lester Blackwell
Gray, Fred David (1930- )
Gray, William H. (1911-1972)
Gregg, Richard B. (1885-1974)
Gregory, Dick (1932- )
Hamer, Fannie Lou (1917-1977)
Harding, Vincent Gordon (1931- )
Hartsfield, William Berry (1890-1971)
Hassler, Alfred (1910-1991)
Hayling, Robert B. (1929- )
Helstein, Ralph (1908-1985)
Heschel, Abraham Joshua (1907-1972)
Highlander Folk School
Hollowell, Donald L. (1917-2004)
Holt Street Baptist Church (Montgomery, Alabama)
Hooks, Benjamin Lawson (1925-2010)
Hoover, J. Edgar (1895-1972)
Houser, George Mills (1916- )
Hughes, Robert E. (1928- )
Hunter, Lillie Thomas Armstrong (1929- )
"I Have a Dream" (28 August 1963)
"I've Been to the Mountaintop" (3 April 1968)
In Friendship
India Trip (1959)
Institute On Nonviolence and Social Change
Jack, Homer Alexander (1916-1993)
Jackson, Jesse Louis (1941- )
Jackson, Jimmie Lee (1938-1965)
Jackson, Joseph Harrison (1900-1990)
Jackson, Mahalia (1911-1972)
James, C. L. R. (1901-1989)
Jemison, Theodore Judson (1919- )
Johns, Vernon (1892-1965)
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-1973)
Johnson, Mordecai Wyatt (1890-1976)
Jones, Clarence Benjamin (1931- )
Katzenbach, Nicholas deBelleville (1922- )
Kelsey, George Dennis Sale (1910-1996)
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963)
Kennedy, Robert Francis (1925-1968)
King Center (Atlanta, Georgia)
King National Holiday
King, Alberta Williams (1903-1974)
King, Alfred Daniel Williams (1930-1969)
King, Bernice Albertine (1963- )
King, Coretta Scott (1927-2006)
King, Delia Linsey (1875-1924)
King, Dexter Scott (1961- )
King, James Albert (1864-1933)
King, Martin Luther (Michael), Sr. (1897-1984)
King, Martin Luther III (1957- )
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)
King, Yolanda Denise (1955-2007)
Kunstler, William Moses (1919-1995)
Lafayette, Bernard (1940- )
Lawson, James M. (1928- )
Lee, Bernard Scott (1935-1991)
"Letter from Birmingham Jail" (1963)
Levison, Stanley David (1912-1979)
Lewis, John (1940- )
Lewis, Rufus (1906-1999)
Little Rock School Desegregation (1957)
Lowery, Joseph Echols (1921- )
Lutuli, Albert (1898?-1967)
Malcolm X (1925-1965)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Marshall, Burke (1922-2003)
Marshall, Thurgood (1908-1993)
Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute at Stanford University
Maynard, Aubre De Lambert (1901-1999)
Mays, Benjamin Elijah (1894-1984)
Mboya, Thomas Joseph (1930-1969)
McCall, Walter R. (1923-1978)
McDonald, Dora Edith (1925-2007)
McKissick, Floyd Bixler (1922-1991)
Measure of a Man, The (1959)
Meet the Press
Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike (1968)
Meredith, James Howard (1933- )
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956)
Montgomery Improvement Association
Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.)
Moses, Robert Parris (1935- )
Muste, Abraham Johannes (1885-1967)
Nash, Diane (1938- )
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Baptist Convention (NBC)
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE)
National Conference on Religion and Race
National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)
National Council of the Churches of Christ In America (NCC)
National Urban League
Negro American Labor Council (NALC)
Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964)
Nelson, William Stuart (1895-1977)
Nesbitt, Robert D. (1908-2002)
New York Amsterdam News
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)
Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892-1971)
Nixon, Edgar Daniel (1899-1987)
Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-1994)
Nkrumah, Kwame (1909-1972)
Nobel Peace Prize (1964)
Nonviolent Resistance
O’Dell, Hunter Pitts “Jack” (1923- )
Operation Breadbasket (1962-1972)
Parks, Rosa (1913-2005)
Patterson, John Malcolm (1921- )
Peck, James (1914-1993)
Poor People’s Campaign
Popper, Hermine Rich Isaacs (1915-1968)
Porter, John Thomas (1921-2006)
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. (1908-1972)
Powell, Mary Louise Stamper (1918- )
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom (1957)
Pritchett, Laurie (1926-2000)
Proctor, Hilda Stewart (1905-1984)
Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC)
Quill, Michael Joseph (1905-1966)
Raby, Albert (1933-1988)
Ramachandran, G. (1904-1995)
Randolph, A. Philip (1889-1979)
Ray, Sandy Frederick (1898-1979)
Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar (1910-1995)
Reeb, James (1927-1965)
Reuther, Walter Philip (1907-1970)
Robinson, Cleveland Lowellyn (1914-1995)
Robinson, Jackie (1919-1972)
Robinson, Jo Ann Gibson (1912-1992)
Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979)
Rodell, Marie Freid (1912-1975)
Rogers, Theopholius Yelverton, Jr. (1935-1971)
Roosevelt, (Anna) Eleanor (1884-1962)
Rothschild, Jacob Mortimer (1911-1973)
Rustin, Bayard (1910-1987)
Seay, Solomon Snowden, Sr. (1899-1988)
Selma to Montgomery March (1965)
Shuttlesworth, Fred Lee (1922-2011 )
Smiley, Glenn E. (1910-1993)
Smith, Kelly Miller (1920-1984)
Smith, Lillian Eugenia (1897-1966)
Social Gospel
Songs and the Civil Rights Movement
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Spock, Benjamin (1903-1998)
St. Augustine Movement
State of Alabama V. M. L. King, Jr. (1956 and 1960)
Steele, Charles Kenzie (1914-1980)
Strength to Love (1963)
Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (1958)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE) Project
Taylor, Gardner C. (1918- )
Thomas, Norman Mattoon (1994-1968)
Thurman, Howard (1899-1981)
Till, Emmett Louis (1941-1955)
Tilley, John Lee (1898-1971)
Tillich, Paul (1886-1965)
Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year” (1963)
Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972)
The Trumpet of Conscience
United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA)
Vandiver, Samuel Ernest, Jr. (1918-2005)
Vietnam War (1961-1975)
Vivian, Cordy Tindell (1924- )
Voter Education Project
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Wachtel, Harry H. (1917-1997)
Walker, Wyatt Tee (1929- )
Wallace, George Corley (1919-1998)
Watson, Melvin Hampton (1908-2006)
Watts Rebellion (Los Angeles, 1965)
West, Irene (1890-1975)
Where Do We Go From Here (1967)
White Citizens’ Councils (WCC)
Why We Can't Wait
Wilkins, Roy Ottaway (1901-1981)
Williams, Adam Daniel (A. D.) (1861-1931)
Williams, Hosea (1926-2000)
Williams, Jennie Celeste Parks (1873-1941)
Williams, Robert Franklin (1925-1996)
Wofford, Harris Llewellyn (1926- )
Women’s Political Council (WPC)
Wurf, Jerome (1919-1981)
Young, Andrew (1932- )
Young, Whitney Moore (1921-1971)
Youth March for Integrated Schools (25 October 1958 and 18 April 1959)
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