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2nd & 3rd Year Programs

Stanford Law School offers more courses in the advanced curriculum than any student could take during law school. The following is a list of many of the elective courses that have been offered at the Law School during the last several years. Although the offerings vary from year to year, this list illustrates the diversity of courses available at the school.

Civil Procedure and Litigation, Criminal Law and Procedure

Legal Theory

Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Public Policy

Environmental Law and Natural Resources, Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Criminal Law and Procedure, Externship

Constitutional Law and Theory, International and Comparative Law

International and Comparative Law, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law

Civil Procedure and Litigation, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law

Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, International and Comparative Law

Criminal Law and Procedure, International and Comparative Law

Civil Procedure and Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation