2nd & 3rd Year Programs
Stanford Law School offers more courses in the advanced curriculum than any student could take during law school. The following is a list of many of the elective courses that have been offered at the Law School during the last several years. Although the offerings vary from year to year, this list illustrates the diversity of courses available at the school.
"U.S. SEC Law Student Observer Program and Securities Regulation Seminar"
Access to Justice Seminar
Access to Medicine
Advanced Criminal Defense Clinic
Advanced Criminal Law and Public Policy: A Research Practicum
Advanced International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
Advanced Legal Writing for American Practice
Advanced Negotiation: Public Policy
Advanced Supreme Court Litigation Clinic
Advanced Three Strikes Project
Advanced Topics in Law and Economics
Advanced Topics in Unfair Competition
Advanced Wrongful Convictions
Alternative Conceptions of Antidiscrimination
American Incarceration from a Global Perspective
Ancient Greek Law
Betrayal and Loyalty, Treason and Trust
Beyond the Common Law: Tort Reform and Tort Alternatives
California's "Three Strikes" Law & Proportionate Sentencing
China and the New World Order
Chinese for Lawyers
Civil Procedure I
Clean Tech: Business Fundamentals and Public Policy
Climate Change Law and Policy: From California to the Federal Government
Comparative and International Freedom of Press: US, Latin America, and Inter-American System
Comparative Civil Rights
Comparative Constitutional Law: The South African Bill of Rights
Concepts of Modernity 1: Philosophical Foundations
Conflict of Laws
Conservation in the Face of Climate Change
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law: Speech and Religion
Constitutional Thought of Alexander Hamilton
Contract Remedies
Contract Theory Seminar
Copyright, the Internet, and Industry
Corporate Governance and Practice Seminar
Corporate Social Responsibility: Global Business, Sustainability, and Human Rights
Criminal Law
Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Cultural Heritage Law and Policy
Cultural, Legal and Constitutional Pluralism in Europe
Current Issues in Tax Policy
Current Topics in Bioethics
Cyberlaw/Fair Use Clinic: Advanced
Cyberlaw/Fair Use Clinic: Advanced
Data Privacy Law
Deals II
Democracy and the Constitution
Disability Rights
Dispute Resolution in China
Election Law: Current Topics
Empirical Evaluation of the Law
Energy Law
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Law in Social Enterprises
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and the Law Practicum
Environmental Law Clinic: Clinical Coursework
Environmental Law Clinic: Clinical Methods
Environmental Law Clinic: Clinical Practice
Environmental Science for Managers and Policy Makers (Accelerated)
European Corporate Governance
Evolution, Creationism and the Law
Executive Power
Federal Litigation
Feminist Jurisprudence
Foreign Legal Study: Bucerius Law School
Foreign Legal Study: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
Foreign Legal Study: European University Institute
Foreign Legal Study: National University of Singapore
Foreign Legal Study: Peking University Law School
Foreign Legal Study: Waseda University
Foundations of Statistical Inference
Freedom of Speech in a Digitally Interconnected World
Gender, Law, and Public Policy
Genetics and Reproductive Technologies
Health Law and Policy: Public Health and Bioethics
History and Future of Citizenship and the State
History of the Common Law in England and America
How Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Businesses Solve Legal Problems
Human Rights and Moral Questions
Ideas for a Better Internet
Intellectual Property: Issues in Entertainment Law
Interdisciplinary Research Seminar on Negotiation and Decision Making
International Development
International Development
International Economic Law, Business & Policy (IELBP) Colloquium
International Environmental Law
International Investment Law
International Law in the 21st Century
International Trade Regulation
International Women's Human Rights
Internet Intermediaries
Internet Torts and Crimes
Introduction to American Law
Introduction to Public Interest Practice
Islamic Law
Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice, and Social Policy
Law and Biosciences Workshop
Law and Economics of Death Policy
Law and Economics of the World Trade Organization
Law and Economics Seminar II
Law and Politics in California
Law and Popular Culture
Law and Psychology
Law and Public Policy: Issues in Implementation
Law and Society
Law and Society in International Perspective
Law and Society in International Perspective
Law and the News Media
Law of Nonprofit Organizations
Legal Accounting
Legal Bibliography and Brief Making
Legal Research and Writing
Legal Strategies: Complex and Aggregate Litigation
Legislative Simulation: The Federal Budget
Liability, Responsibility, and Punishment
Malpractice: How Lawyers and Clients Behave Badly
Mass Incarceration and Its Effects
Mental Health Law
Mental Health Law: Forensics
Mergers and Acquisitions
Modern American Legal Thought
Modern Securities Fraud Litigation: Public and Private Enforcement
Modern Securities Regulation: Capital Formation through IPOs, Private Placements
Myth, Law, and Practice
Negotiation and Influence
Oral Argument Practicum
Oral Argument Workshop
Oral Argument Workshop
Organizations and Transactions Clinic: Clinical Coursework
Organizations and Transactions Clinic: Clinical Methods
Organizations and Transactions Clinic: Clinical Practice
Patent Prosecution
Payment Systems
Plato's Republic as an Introduction to Jurisprudence
Policy & Strategy Issues in Financial Engineering
Positive Political Theory and the Law
Poverty Law: Policy and Practice
Privacy and Free Speech Online
Privacy and Technology
Public Interest Law & Lawyers
Race and the Law
Real Estate Transactions
Reconstructing the Litigation State
Religion and the Constitution
Research Design for Empirical Legal Studies
Selena Diana Jenkins International Human Rights Colloquium
Social Justice Impact Litigation: Issues and Strategies
Sovereignty, Globalization, and Technological Change
Spanish For Lawyers
SPILS Masters Thesis
SPILS Thesis Writing Workshop
Sports Law
State-Building and Rule of Law Practicum
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (ALEP)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (BLPP)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (KLEP)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (TLLEP)
Statutory Interpretation
TGR: Dissertation
The Ethics and Law of War
The Judicial Role
The Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions
The Plaintiffs' Lawyer: Institutional Constraints and Ethical Challenges
The Role of the Modern General Counsel
Three Strikes Project: Clinical Coursework
Three Strikes Project: Clinical Methods
Three Strikes Project: Clinical Practice
Tort and the Administrative State
Toxic Harms
Trans-National Litigation
United States v. Milken: A Case Study
Venture Capital II
Wine and the Law
Workshop in Sociology of Law
Workshop on International Security, Law, and Social Science
Wrongful Convictions
Business and Commercial Law
Civil Procedure and Litigation
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Criminal Law and Procedure
Environmental Law and Natural Resources
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation
Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Business and Commercial Law, International and Comparative Law
International and Comparative Law
Constitutional Law and Theory
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Constitutional Law and Theory
Criminal Law and Procedure
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Public Policy
Environmental Law and Natural Resources, Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
Criminal Law and Procedure, Externship
Constitutional Law and Theory, International and Comparative Law
Professional Responsibility and Ethics
International and Comparative Law, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, International and Comparative Law
Criminal Law and Procedure, International and Comparative Law
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation