2nd & 3rd Year Programs
Stanford Law School offers more courses in the advanced curriculum than any student could take during law school. The following is a list of many of the elective courses that have been offered at the Law School during the last several years. Although the offerings vary from year to year, this list illustrates the diversity of courses available at the school.
Business and Commercial Law
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
Civil Procedure and Litigation
Criminal Law and Procedure
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Criminal Law and Procedure
Environmental Law and Natural Resources
International and Comparative Law
Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation
Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation, Environmental Law and Natural Resources
Constitutional Law and Theory
Business and Commercial Law, International and Comparative Law
Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Public Policy
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Law in Social Enterprises
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and the Law Practicum
Equal Protection: Race and the Law
Federal Litigation
Foreign Legal Study: Bucerius Law School
Foreign Legal Study: European University Institute
Foreign Legal Study: National University of Singapore
Foreign Legal Study: Peking University Law School
Foreign Legal Study: Waseda University
Gender, Law, and Public Policy
Health Law and Policy: Public Health and Bioethics
How Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Businesses Solve Legal Problems
Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives
Intellectual Property: Licensing
International Business Negotiation
International Public Interest Lawyering Colloquium
International Trade Law
Internet Torts and Crimes
Introduction to Microeconomics
Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice, and Social Policy
Law and Biosciences Workshop
Law and Economics of Death Penalty
Law and Economics Seminar II
Law of Nonprofits
Law, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Change
Lawyer as Facilitator
Lawyer as Facilitator
Legal Aspects of Autonomous Driving
Legal Cultures and Legal Professionals in Latin America and Latin Europe
Legal Strategies: Complex and Aggregate Litigation
Legal Technology and Informatics
Legislative Simulation: The Federal Budget
Mental Health Law: Forensics
Modern American Legal Thought
Myth, Law, and Practice
Narrative Skills and the Law
Natural Resources Law and Policy
Oral Argument Workshop
Organizations and Transactions Clinic: Clinical Methods
Organizations and Transactions Clinic: Clinical Practice
Patent Prosecution
Payment Systems
Pivotal Moments in American Institutions and Public Law, 1791-Present
Policy & Strategy Issues in Financial Engineering
Private Equity Investing
Protecting Workers' Rights in Hard Times
Protection of Personality
Public Interest Law and Practice
Real Estate Transactions
Religious Liberty Clinic: Clinical Coursework
Religious Liberty Clinic: Clinical Methods
Religious Liberty Clinic: Practice
Reproductive Justice: Law, Policy and Advocacy
Research Design for Empirical Legal Studies
Rethinking Refugee Communities
Social Justice Impact Litigation: Issues and Strategies
Spanish For Lawyers
SPILS Masters Thesis
Sports Law
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (ALEP)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (BLPP)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (ILEI)
State-Building and the Rule of Law Workshop: Advanced (TLLEP)
Statistical Inference in Law
Statutory Interpretation
Technological, Economic and Business Forces Transforming the Private Practice of Law
Terrorism and the Courts
TGR: Dissertation
The American Legal Profession
The Financial Crisis
The Rule of Law - The Foundation of Functional Communities
The United States Senate as a Legal Institution
Three Strikes Project: Criminal Justice Reform & Post-conviction Litigation
Toxic Harms
Why Intellectual Property?: Rationales and Critiques of IP Law
Wine and the Law
International and Comparative Law, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property Law
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, International and Comparative Law
Professional Responsibility and Ethics
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Negotiation
Civil Procedure and Litigation, Constitutional Law and Theory