Robert Crown Law Library

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Faculty Services

Reference & Instructional Services
Borrowing Services
Interlibrary Loan Services (ILL)
Collection Development
Law School Archives
Course Reserves
CourseWork & Digital Reserves
Library Catalog Portal
Law Databases
Current Awareness

Faculty Services Brochure

Reference & Instructional Services

The reference librarians provide a full range of reference services. Librarians are available to provide library tours, bibliographic instruction and training sessions on any number of research topics. Requests for books, articles and general research assistance can be sent to [email protected].

Learn how to access law school resources from the comfort and familiarity of your desk chair: Reference staff will gladly travel to your office to discuss general library services, introduce research resources or discuss specific research needs. We can also explain how to access restricted resources when you are away from campus.

Whether it is introducing students to the library's catalog, familiarizing them with the basics of Lexis and Westlaw, or delving into specialized databases and current awareness products, our librarians are eager to assist you in developing students' research skills. We are happy to come to into your classrooms or set up special training sessions in the library.

Borrowing Services

The library provides delivery and pick-up of library materials to your office. Under its Faculty Borrowing Service, the library retrieves books and journals from libraries across campus for law school faculty.

To return materials borrowed from any library, please leave the books in your office “Out” box. We will also renew your books for you. Contact us at [email protected]., ext. 5-0800, or just stop by (we would love to see you).

Interlibrary Loan

Items not available from the Stanford libraries can be requested from libraries around the world through our Interlibrary Loan Specialist, Sonia Moss. You can contact her at [email protected] or by calling ext. 3-1932.

Collection Development

It is your involvement that makes the library strong; please recommend new books and/or databases for our collection. You can send requests/suggestions to [email protected].

The work product of faculty, staff and students is a source of great pride for Stanford Law School. The library strives to capture this work product by adding those documents to our collection and maintaining the Faculty Bibliography. You can send cites or content to [email protected] and we will ensure that they are properly cataloged and archived.

Law School Archives

Informing the present for the future through use of the past, law school archivist and reference librarian Sarah Wilson chronicles the history of SLS. You can contact Sarah with any questions or donations at [email protected] or by calling ext. 3-1912.

Course Reserves

Our Access Services Librarian, Naheed Zaheer, will request course reserve lists before the quarter begins. We automatically place copies of all required texts on your course reserve. Additional materials may be placed on reserve any time during the term. Any questions about course reserves can be directed to [email protected].

CourseWork & Digital Reserves

The library creates and maintains online course pages for each course you teach. CourseWork is a Web-based course management system which posts announcements, syllabi, readings, discussion space and more. The library also maintains an online, password-protected, Digital Reserves desk which houses exams, model answers and syllabi for many years. If you have any questions about these services or would like to learn how we can help you provide digital content, please contact [email protected].

Library Catalog Portal

Catalog information
SearchWorks, Stanford’s library catalog, is your gateway to the holdings of the Stanford University Libraries. The catalog allows you to keyword search and browse through electronic and print resources owned by the law library as well as the numerous other libraries on campus.

Available through Socrates, the e-journals list allows you to browse by journal title or search by keyword to determine where and how to access electronic versions of your favorite journals.

The Stanford community enjoys access to a wide variety of databases. These databases include content such as historical newspaper archives (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times), current corporate news (Business Source Complete) and much, much more.

Law Databases

LexisNexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law, and Fastcase Access
We are happy to set up accounts for faculty and staff. Please forward requests for passwords to [email protected].

Legal Research
The library subscribes to a growing number of online databases including: RIA Checkpoint, Courtlink, Hein Online, Supreme Court Records and Briefs, and Making of Modern Law. These databases contain the full text of thousands of treatises, briefs, numerous journals and newspapers, as well as bibliographic information on a wide variety of subjects.

Current Awareness

Journal Routing
Please let us know which journals you would like routed to your office or which electronic table of contents you would like to receive in your e-mail inbox.

BNA Updates
Daily and weekly reporters providing extensive updates in areas such as patent law or international trade. A link to the BNA library, including a list of the reports to which the library subscribes, is available from the library's legal databases page.

Bloomberg Law Reports
Topical law reports in over two dozen specialized areas which provide customized expert coverage of timely developments in the law. A link to the reports is available from the library's legal databases page.

SLS Today
A daily e-mail sent to faculty, staff and students with the latest news of the law school that showcases the work of our community and alumni.

Personalized Updates
Faculty members have access to current awareness services through Westlaw, LexisNexis and Smart CILP. Reference librarians can visit your office to set up daily/weekly/monthly receipt of preset database searches.