Faculty by Subject
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- 20th Century Literature
- Advice Literature
- Aesthetics
- African History
- African Law
- African-American Culture & Literature
- The American Constitution
- American Cultural History
- American Foreign Relations
- American History
- American Literature
- American Politics
- The American Revolution
- American West & California
- Ancient Greek & Roman History
- Anti-Americanism
- Anti-War Movements
- Arab-Israeli Conflict
- Aramaic
- Archeological Tourism
- Archeology
- Architecture
- Argentinian & Brazilian Literature
- Arms Trade
- Art & Art History
- Art in the Digital Age
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asian American History
- Asian Art & Culture
- Asian History
- Asian Literature
- Bilingualism
- Biography & Autobiography
- Biological Warfare
- Biomedical Ethics
- British Art & Culture
- British History
- British Intelligence Agencies
- British Literature
- Buddhism & Asian Religions
- Cartoonists
- Chicano Studies
- Children's Literature
- Citizenship
- The Civil Rights Movement
- Cognitive Science
- Colonial America
- Colonialism & Imperialism
- Comedy & Satire
- The Corporate Media
- Creative Writing
- The Crusades
- Cryptozoology
- Culture of Collecting
- Cultural Institutions
- Cultural Memory
- The Declaration of Independence
- Democracy
- Digital Humanities
- Drama
- Economics
- The Enlightenment
- Environment
- Erotic Literature
- Espionage & Military Intelligence
- Ethics & Morality
- Ethnography
- European History
- European Literature
- The European Union
- Expatriate Literature
- Feminism & Gender Studies
- Fictionality
- Film Adaptation of Novels
- The First World War
- Freedom of Expression
- Freemasonry
- French Art & Culture
- French History
- French Literature
- The French Revolution
- Gaming
- Garbology
- Gay & Lesbian Literature
- German Art & Culture
- German History
- German Literature
- Ghost Stories
- Globalization
- Gothic Fiction
- Grammar
- The Great Depression
- Gun Control
- The Harlem Renaissance
- Hebrew
- Heritage Ethics
- Historical Narratives
- History & Culture of Travel
- History of Christianity
- History of Design
- History of the English Language
- History of Literature
- History of Photography
- History of Science & Medicine
- History of Violence
- History of War Technology
- History of Western Thought
- Home-Schooling
- Human Rights
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Humanitarianism & Philanthropy
- Humanities in Healthcare
- Humanities Origins
- Ideas about Speed & Motion
- Immigration
- Intellectual Property & Fair Use
- International Relations
- Irish Literature
- Islam in the West
- Islamic Culture
- Islamic Studies
- Israeli Literature
- Italian Art & Culture
- Italian History
- Italian Literature
- Jewish Culture & Literature
- Jewish History
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism History
- Latin American Literature
- Law
- Linguistics & Language
- Literary Criticism
- Literary Theory
- Material Culture
- Medieval Literature & Culture
- Middle Eastern Literature
- Modern Art & Culture
- Modern Middle East
- Multiculturalism
- Museums
- Music & Instruments
- Mythology & Folklore
- National Identity
- Native American Art & Culture
- Nazi Germany & the Holocaust
- New Media
- The Novel and Narrative Theory
- Orientalism
- Ottoman Empire
- Paleontology History
- Performance Art
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Law
- Philosophy of Religion
- Photography
- Poetry
- Polish History
- Political History & Culture
- Political Theory & Philosophy
- Politics of Food
- Politics of Israel
- Pop Culture
- Portuguese History
- Postcolonial Studies
- Poverty
- Prison Reform
- Psychoanalysis
- Public History & Public Memory
- Public Service & Public Policy
- Race & Class Issues
- Redress & Reparations
- Relations between Science & Art
- Religious Conflict
- The Renaissance
- Romance Studies
- Russian Art & Culture
- Russian History
- Russian Literature
- The Russian Revolution
- Sanskrit
- Science Fiction
- The Second World War
- Secret Societies & Illuminism
- Self-Governing Organizations
- Semantics
- Sexual Violence
- Shi'ism
- Slavery
- Social Issues in Literature
- Social Science
- Socialism
- Spanish & Portuguese Literature
- Spanish History
- Sufism
- Tattoo History
- Technology & Culture
- Terrorism
- Totalitarianism
- Transnationalism
- Typography & Book Arts
- Urbanization
- Virtual Worlds
- Visual Culture
- War
- War Memoirists
- Witchcraft & Witch Hunting
- Women Writers
- World Literature