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Staff Training Assistance Program (STAP)

Educational Assistance Programs



Contact EAP

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Program Summary

The Staff Training Assistance Program (STAP) provides for reimbursement of tuition costs, registration fees, and required textbooks for any training activity either related directly to your job or a career development effort undertaken with the knowledge and approval of your supervisor.

There is no application form required.

Check STAP Balance Online

 To see what STAP funds are available to you, login to Axess:

  • Click the STARS (Training) tab.  Click My STAP Balance from the left menu. 
  • The balance displayed is the amount of STAP funds still available for use during the current fiscal year (9/1 to 8/31). 

You can also see all STAP reimbursements made for internal and external courses during the current fiscal year.


  • STAP funds are renewed each September 1st for the new fiscal year (9/1 to 8/31). The annual STAP fund amount is $800.00 for regular staff. Effective for FY13, $100 of STAP funds for employees covered by the SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is reallocated for the Apprenticeship Program (see CBA for more information).
  • STAP Fund Expenditure Type is Changing Effective September 1, 2012

    The expenditure type 52245 will be closing as of August 31, 2012. The new expenditure type to be used only for STAP training expenditures will be 51891, and must be used for all STAP related transactions dated September 1, 2012 or after. The full STAP fund PTAE is 1089542-8-AAPAA-51891.

  • Rosetta Stone Language CDs and Test preparation courses are not approved for STAP funds.

Stanford Hospital/LPCH Employees: Please submit requests for reimbursement via Success Factors. If you have any questions please contact the HR Business Center at 650-723-4748.


Q. Who is eligible to participate in the Staff Training Assistance Program?

A. You are eligible to apply for STAP funds if you are a regular or fixed-term University employee, working 50% time or more. (Faculty, students, temporary employees, retirees, or other non-staff University affiliates are not eligible.)

Q. How can I check my STAP usage and balances?

A. To see what STAP funds are available to you, login to Axess: Click the STARS (Training) tab. Click My STAP Balance from the left menu. The balance displayed is the amount of STAP funds still available for use during the current fiscal year (9/1 to 8/31). You can also see all STAP reimbursements made for internal and external courses during the current fiscal year

Q. Can unused STAP funds be carried over to the next year?

A. No. STAP funds allocated at the beginning of each fiscal year can only be used for courses, seminars, workshops, etc. that begin in that fiscal year.

Q. How much can I be reimbursed?

A. The current reimbursement is $800.00 per fiscal year (9/1 to 8/31). Note that reimbursement is based upon start date of course; not the registration date.

Q. Do STAP funds come out of my department's budget?

A. The Staff Training Assistance Program is a separate University fund. The program was established in 1973, to encourage regular staff members to seek learning and growth experiences through the pursuit of education and training.

Q. Can I give my STAP funds to another eligible employee to use?

A. No. A set amount of STAP funding is allocated each year to each eligible employee. Those funds are not transferrable.

Q. What kinds of courses, or workshops can I be reimbursed for?

A. As a regular University employee, you are eligible to be reimbursed if the course, seminar, conference, or workshop meets one of the following criteria:

  • The course, seminar, conference, or workshop is directly related to performance of your current job at Stanford.
  • The course, seminar, conference, or workshop is part of a planned career development effort that you are undertaking with the approval of your supervisor.

Note: Remember that you are eligible to be reimbursed for tuition fees, and required course text books, CD's or tapes. Seminars and workshops associated with professional conferences may also be eligible for reimbursement.

Q. What about correspondence courses, or special programs that last for long time period?

A. If they meet STAP guidelines, these programs will qualify. A description of the course must be submitted when requesting reimbursement.

Q. What about books and other course materials and expenses?

A. You are eligible to be reimbursed for required course text books (including e-books), CD's, DVD's or tapes. STAP cannot pay for books (including e-books), CD's, DVD's or tapes not required for the course; software or supplies; parking or mileage costs; telephone or mail charges; lodging; meal costs; memberships to professional organizations or subscriptions to professional journals; testing fees or exam preparation courses; or STRP courses, books or supplies.

Q. Can I use STAP funds when I enroll in a Stanford University academic course?

A. You are eligible to apply for reimbursement of required textbooks that you purchased in conjunction with the course.

Q. When I register for an ITS, HIP, or Continuing Studies course, do I still have to apply for STAP reimbursement?

A. There is a special arrangement with these offices to provide staff training assistance up to the allowable yearly STAP limit and within other STAP regulations. If you qualify, the STAP allowance will be automatically deducted when you register for the class

Q. Can I use STAP funds from the current year to pay for a course that begins next year?

A. No. STAP funds can only be used for courses beginning in the current fiscal period (9/1 � 8/31).

Q. Can I use STAP funds for Health Improvement Program (HIP) courses?

A. Your STAP funds can only be used for designated classes listed with a "YES" for STAP Funds in the HIP brochure. The STAP allowance will be deducted from the fee when you register for HIP classes

Q. Is there a deadline for requesting reimbursement?

A. You must submit the request within 20 days of completion of the course or prior to the end of the current fiscal year, whichever is sooner. Submitted requests will be charged against your STAP funds based on the class start date.

Q. How long does it take for me to receive my reimbursement?

A. On the average, it takes approximately 20 days to receive your reimbursement.

Q. I need to submit a request for reimbursement for an employee. How do I do that?


iOU requests: for Reimbursements, Advances, Petty Cash, and Other Checks are approved online by STAP once you have faxed the backup to Travel & Reimbursement. In the Business Purpose, include the description of the course and dates, the employee correct name and university employee ID number. Print bar code cover sheet and fax with receipts and other supporting documentation to 650- 725-1399.

PCard transactions: The verifier will change the department PTAEO to the STAP fund PTAEO to 1089542-8-AAPAA-51891. In the Business Purpose, include the description of the course and dates, the employee correct name and university employee ID number. Fax the verified PCard transaction receipts and other supporting documentation to 650-725-1399.

Ijournal transactions: In the Business Purpose, include the description of the course and dates, the employee correct name and university employee ID number. The PTAEO to use for debiting STAP funds is 1089542-8-AAPAA-58510. Fax the backup supporting documentation to 650-723-7669.

Q. What must I submit as proof of payment for my reimbursement?

A. Submit the original receipts to your department administrator or financial manager within 20 days after training is completed. For reimbursement for required text books, e-books, CDs, DVDs, or tapes, please also submit the course syllabus.

The University policy for this program is set forth in the Administrative Guide, Section 22.11. Call (650) 723-0657 or email [email protected] if you have further questions.