RPH Chapters:


Research Policy Handbook

Postdoctoral Benefits

Attachment D to Research Policy Handbook 9.4,
Postdoctoral Scholars

Date: April 11, 2012


The following insurance benefits are provided to all Postdoctoral Scholars and are funded either by the application of an approved fringe benefit rate to the salaries of qualifying (salaried for 50% FTE or more) Postdoctoral Scholars, or by fellowship awards, or - in the absence of one of these two sources - by the Scholar's faculty sponsor/department.

(See memo from Godfrey Mungal regarding Charging and Paying for Benefits for Postdoctoral Scholars and Graduate Students, originally issued in October 2003.)


    All Postdoctoral Scholars must either subscribe to one of the Stanford postdoctoral scholar plans (currently Blue Shield EPO and PPO plans), or provide proof of alternate insurance as required by Stanford University (and the Department of State in case of J1 visa holders).

    Single-person insurance coverage through the Blue Shield EPO Plan is provided at no charge to the Scholar; PPO coverage is also available, but requires a contribution by the Scholar. A portion of the cost of family medical coverage is funded by one of the sources described above (as applicable); that portion will be determined annually by Stanford University. The balance of premiums for any dependent medical coverage will be paid by the Scholar.


    Single person dental insurance will be provided at no charge to the Scholar; premiums for dependent coverage above the single rate will be the responsibility of the Scholar.


    Single person vision insurance will be provided at no charge to the Scholar; premiums for dependent vision coverage above the single rate will be the responsibility of the Scholar.


    All Scholars are provided a $20,000 life insurance policy and a $20,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment policy as part of a group policy.


    All Scholars are provided with short-term and long-term disability coverage through a group plan. The plan used will depend upon whether the Scholar is paid a salary or receives fellowship stipends. The plan's short-term benefits are the same as, or better than, the State of California's disability plan. Filing for disability insurance is the responsibility of the Scholar.


Postdoctoral Scholars who are earning W-2 wages from the University may (subject to certain restrictions based on immigration status) be eligible to save for their own retirement in the University's Tax Deferred Annuity Plan, a voluntary savings plan under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information on eligibility and on how to enroll, visit the Postdoctoral Benefits web site and follow the Tax-Deferred Annuity link. Any such contributions are made by the Postdoctoral Scholar (no matching funds are available).

For information and to direct questions regarding Postdoctoral Scholar benefits, see the Stanford University Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits website.


Any leave arrangements must be acceptable to the faculty sponsor and outside funding agencies. A request in writing to the funding agency from the Postdoctoral Scholar and/or faculty sponsor for a leave of absence is required. The funding agency's response must also be obtained in writing. During periods of extended absence beyond ninety (90) days, Postdoctoral Scholars must petition to remain in appointment status and coordinate health insurance premium expense payments with faculty sponsors.


    Postdoctoral Scholars may continue to receive fellowship stipends or salaries for up to 15 calendar days of absence due to illness per year, or as permitted by the funding agency. Sick leave can be used for the individual or for the care of immediate family. Under exceptional circumstances, this period may be extended at the discretion of the faculty sponsor and the funding agency. Sick leave is not cumulative from one appointment term to the next.


    Postdoctoral Scholars are eligible to receive up to six weeks maternity leave with full pay to begin on the first day of disability. Full pay will equal a combination of a supplement from the primary source of funding plus any benefits available from the disability carrier. If the scholar is not eligible for disability benefits or does not apply for the benefits, the University/Department is not responsible for maintaining Full pay.  The Scholar is expected to apply for short-term disability in the Postdoctoral Benefits Office in Human Resources.  Disability leave may be extended on the advice of the physician if medically necessary and verified.


    Postdoctoral Scholars may be eligible for unpaid family and medical leave for certain family and medical reasons, including events such as the birth or adoption of a child, organ or bone marrow donation (a portion of this leave may be paid), and caregiver leave for family members who are members of the Armed Forces. In most cases, to be eligible for such leave, a Postdoctoral Scholar who is receiving wages must have been in training at Stanford for at least twelve months.  That time limit does not apply to scholars who are on fellowship support.

    Requests for family or medical leave should be made in advance and approved by the faculty sponsor in writing, in consultation with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Postdoctoral Benefits, and the Research Management Group or the Office of Sponsored Research for Postdoctoral Scholars paid from restricted fund sources.


Postdoctoral Scholars are eligible for one day paid vacation leave per calendar month of appointment, in addition to official University holidays. Individuals who work on a University holiday may take another day in lieu of the University holiday, to be scheduled in agreement with the faculty sponsor. Time spent at scientific meetings is not to be considered vacation. The maximum amount of vacation that can be accrued is 12 days per calendar year, and those vacation days should be taken in the calendar year in which it is accrued. All vacation leave must be scheduled in advance with the faculty sponsor, and it is the responsibility of the faculty sponsor to monitor the vacation taken by Postdoctoral Scholars. Requests for additional vacation time must be negotiated with the faculty sponsor, and it is recommended that those requests and responses be documented in writing.


Postdoctoral Scholars may request unpaid leave for personal or professional reasons other than those described above. A period of unpaid leave may not exceed 90 days. An unpaid Leave of Absence may be granted after review in accordance with funding agency guidelines, programmatic need and visa regulations for international scholars. Prior to the start of the leave, the request must be approved by the Department and the faculty sponsor, and by Bechtel International Center in the case of international scholars. Final review and approval is given by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Arrangement regarding the payment of medical insurance must be made at the time the request is made.

An unpaid leave period may not extend beyond the Scholar's current appointment or visa end date. International Scholars must have current visa status throughout the unpaid leave period. Requests for an unpaid leave that extends beyond the Scholar's appointment or visa end dates must be accompanied by a reappointment and, in the case of international scholars, a visa extension. All Postdoctoral Scholars maintain their appointment affiliation with the university, privileges, and benefits eligibility while on approved unpaid leaves of absence. A terminal leave unpaid period is not permitted.

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