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Summer English Programs for 2012

During the academic year (September-June) EFS courses are restricted to current Stanford students. Summer quarter courses are open to students outside of Stanford who meet the program requirements. We offer the following programs: All are taught at an intermediate to advanced level, and all courses except 683 are intended exclusively for adults. Click on the links below for more information.

EFS 683: A collection of four courses for visiting international undergraduates and students in the Summer High School Program: offered June 25-August 17, 2012

EFS 687: American Language and Culture (ALC)
Four-week programs for students from
specific institutions in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: ALC1 and ALC2 -- August 6-31. Limited outside enrollment possible: click here for information

EFS 688: Intensive English and Academic Orientation for Foreign Graduate Students
A six-week intensive program in spoken and written English to prepare
new graduate students for study at a US university. Separate sections for business, humanities/social science, and engineering/science students. Offered July 6-August 17, 2012

EFS 688V: Intensive English for Visiting Scholars
A six-week intensive program in spoken and written English to prepare
visiting professors, researchers, postdocs and other scholars to participate in the academic culture of a US university. Offered July 6-August 17, 2012

EFS Courses for Continuing Students:
Spoken and written English courses for
currently enrolled Stanford graduate students only. Regular courses offered June 25-August 17, 2012; special 6-week elective courses offered July 9-August 17, 2012

Information on all Stanford University courses during the Summer Session can be found at

For information on courses and undergraduate and graduate degree programs for the regular academic year, see   Information on the admission process can be obtained The general information telephone number for all university departments is (650) 723-2300.

Updated  February 12, 2012