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EFS Courses for Continuing Students
Summer 2012

Regular EFS Courses
8 Weeks: June 25 - August 17

EFS offers several of its academic year courses during the 8-week summer session June 25-August 17. Available courses for 2012 are listed here. Note that these are all 3 unit courses: we cannot reduce units to 1 or 2 during Summer Quarter:
EFS 691. Oral Presentation (3 units).
For advanced graduate students.  Practice in academic presentation skills, including strategy, design, and organization of speeches and use of visual aids.  Focus on improving fluency and delivery style, with videotaping for extensive feedback on language accuracy and usage. TuTh 2:15-4:05

EFS 695A.  Pronunciation and Intonation (3 units). Recognition of American English sounds, stress, and intonation patterns for greater comprehension and intelligibility.  Strategies and practice in self-monitoring and self-correction.  MW 1:15-3:05

EFS 698A.  Writing Academic English (3 units). Prepares graduate students to write academic papers; emphasis on fluency, organization, documentation, and appropriateness for specific writing tasks. MW 3:15-5:05

EFS 698B.  Advanced Graduate Writing (3 units). For graduate students who are experienced in writing English and who are currently required to write papers for a course or publication, or a thesis, proposal, or dissertation.  Class meetings and frequent individual conferences.  Prerequisite: 698A. TuTh 9:00-10:50

Intensive English Courses Open to Continuing Students
6-Weeks: July 6 - August 17

EFS 688A. Intensive Spoken English (3 units). For current graduate students. This 10-hour/week course includes work on listening, oral presentation, discussion, and conversational interaction. May fulfill up to two of the following EFS requirements, subject to approval by the EFS Director: EFS 690A, EFS 690B, EFS 691, EFS 693B.  MTuThF 1:15-3:05, plus required lectures Tu 11:00-12:00 and Friday 3:15-4:15.

EFS 688B. Intensive Academic Writing (3 units). For current graduate students.  This 7-hour/week course focuses on academic writing, with some work in reading and vocabulary development. Engineering, science, humanities, and social science students prepare a research paper; business students write one or more case studies.  Fulfills requirement for EFS 697 or 698A, subject to approval by the EFS Director. MTh 9:30-11:50; Tu 9:30-10:50 plus optional orientation to graduate study section F 10:00-11:50 and lectures Tu 11:00-12:00 and F 3:15-4:15.

Note: These courses will mix you with incoming graduate students and visiting scholars in the EFS 688 and 688V programs. They are generally recommended for students who have just completed their first year of graduate study rather than those who have been here longer.


Special Interest Courses
6-weeks: July 9 - August 17

These are SIX-WEEK courses and will mix you with incoming graduate students and visiting scholars in the EFS 688 and 688V programs. Note that they start during the third week of the regular summer quarter.

EFS 689E.  Learning English on Your Own (1-unit)

    EFS courses will help you improve your English while you are in them, but how can you continue to improve consistently outside of a formal class structure?  Learning English on Your Own aims to show you how to become a more successful independent language learner.  The course includes an introduction to discoveries researchers have made about second language learning and helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a learner.  It introduces you to a variety of useful language learning strategies and stresses the importance of outlining learning objectives, setting and maintaining practice schedules, and evaluating your progress. The majority of the course focuses on free or inexpensive resources available through TV, radio and especially the World Wide Web, training you in how to get the most from them. Tu 3:15-5:05

EFS 689H.  American Humor (1-unit)

    Humor is an important part of life at American universities.  Professors often tell jokes during lectures and group meetings, students like to “kid around,” and campus newspapers feature editorial cartoons and humor columns.  In this course, students study many examples of jokes and humorous stories that Americans find amusing, practicing advanced listening comprehension and expanding your understanding of English idioms at the same time.  Note that this is an advanced class:  An iBT TOEFL score of 100 or above or equivalent is strongly recommended. Th 3:15-5:05

EFS 689L.  Living in the USA  (1-unit)

    This course focuses on life and relationships outside the university classroom. The goal is to help you become familiar with the multiple expectations and the language usage that Americans bring to a variety of situations in the university and in other social situations you may encounter.  Among the many areas to be discussed are strategies for both casual and serious conversation, professional relationships in academe (including with professors, colleagues, and undergraduate students), interacting with neighbors and acquaintances, American social customs, and an introduction to the intersecting issues of race, religion, politics and gender. Activities include discussions of short readings and films and role plays of challenging situations.  This course is particularly recommended for doctoral students or others who are anticipating an extended stay in the US. We 11:00-12:50

EFS 689T.  Interacting in California's Vineyard Culture (1-unit)

    This course serves as a vehicle for developing focused communicative skills in the context of California's renowned wine culture.  You will learn the language of wine: how to talk about wine informally using appropriate terminology, navigate restaurant wine lists, and interact knowledgeably with restaurant and retail wine staff. At the same time, you will become a more sophisticated consumer of wine by learning the fundamentals of vineyard techniques, varietal characteristics, tasting techniques, and drinking and ordering etiquette. Classes are co-taught by a wine expert and an ESL instructor.  Each class meeting will consist of a short interactive lecture, a communicative activity such as role playing, and a tasting of four specially selected wines. Participants must be at least 21 years old.  Additional  fee of $80.00 (cash only) must be brought to the first class meeting.  To enroll, please contact Connie Rylance [email protected]Th 5:15-7:05

EFS 689V. Vocabulary and Idiom (1-unit)

    One of the most difficult aspects of a new language is learning to use and understand idioms and metaphors.  This course takes an analytical approach to the study of idiomatic language, analyzing idioms and metaphors in order to understand what they reflect about American culture and offering general strategies for increasing your vocabulary.  We also discuss the history of words and the ways that Americans combine words to invent new ones.  Class time will include exercises to practice idioms and advanced vocabulary. We 1:15-3:05

EFS 689W.  Working in the USA (1-unit)

    This course explores the language and culture of the workplace.  The goal is to help you become familiar with the expectations Americans bring to a variety of situations in the business setting and in social situations related to business.  Among the many areas to be discussed are strategies for professional conversation, relationships with superiors, co-workers, and subordinates, and American business customs.  Activities include discussions and role plays linked to workplace settings. This course is particularly recommended for those in business or who expect to work with Americans in a professional capacity after graduation. We 9:00-10:50

Updated April 20, 2012