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NOTICE: We do not at present anticipate any additional openings for summer 2012 or academic year 2012-2013. Please contact EFS beginning March 2013 to be considered for any open positions that summer.


The English for Foreign Students Program maintains a small instructional staff during the academic year (September-June). Please note that any part-time openings during the academic year are normally filled by instructors who have taught with us in the summer. Any future full-time positions will be advertised prominently on this page.

During the summer, we run five ESL programs and hire around 20 outside instructors. While we have a fairly high return rate from summer to summer, there are often one or more new openings each year. We normally have an idea of our summer openings in March or April. Prospective applicants typically should have an MA or PhD in TESOL, linguistics, or applied linguistics and at least three years of recent experience teaching ESL in an adult academic setting with evidence of teaching excellence. Applicants with other graduate degrees but substantial experience may also be considered. Please review the details of the summer programs on this site and submit a CV and cover letter to [email protected]. The letter should specify clearly how your education and experience fit the requirements of a position in one or more of those programs. Please note that we do not typically hire from outside the San Francisco Bay Area for summer positions since we have a large local pool of qualified candidates.


Updated March 16, 2012