Research Areas & Activities
Analysis Activities
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Research Activities -- Progress Reports
2.1 Hydrogen Production, Distribution and Use
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Efficient, Highly Productive Hydrogen Production from Glucose
James Swartz
2.2 Renewable Energy-Solar
2.2.1 Introduction to Renewable Energy-Solar
2.2.2 Ultra-High Efficiency Thermo-Photovoltaic Cells Using Metallic Photonic Crystals as Intermediate Absorber and Emitter
Shanhui Fan and Paul Braun
2.2.3 Advanced Electron Transport Materials for Application in Organic Photovoltaics (OPV)
Michael McGehee and Alan Sellinger
2.2.4 Rational Organic Semiconductor Material Design: A Pathway Towards Breakthrough Performance in Solar Cells
Zhenan Bao and Alan Aspuru-Guzik
2.2.5 Design and Fabrication of the First All-Carbon-Based Solar Cell
Zhenan Bao
2.2.6 Upconverting Electrodes for Improved Solar Energy Conversion
Jennifer Dionne and Alberto Salleo
2.3 Renewable Energy-Biomass
2.3.1 Introduction to Renewable Energy-Biomass
2.3.2 Novel Plants Optimized for Lignin, Growth and Biofuel Production via Re-Mutagenesis
Claire Halpin and Gordon Simpson
2.3.3 Efficient Biomass Conversion: Delineating the Best Lignin Monomer-Substitutes
John Ralph, Xuejun Pan, and Sara Patterson
2.3.4 Synthesis of Biofuels on Bioelectrodes
Alfred Spormann
2.3.5 Capturing Electrical Current via Mechanisms Used for Interspecies Electron Transfer to Produce Methane
Alfred Spormann and Bruce Logan
2.4 CO2 Capture & Separation
2.4.1 Introduction to CO2 Capture and Separation
2.4.2 Biomimetic Sorbents for Selective CO2 Capture
Jennifer Wilcox, Daniel P Stack, Zhenan Bao
2.5 CO2 Storage
2.5.1 Introduction to CO2 Storage
2.5.2 Collaborative Research on Carbon Sequestration in Saline Aquifers in China
Dongsxiao Zhang, Kristian Jessen, Qingdong Cai, Bin Gong, Yi Zheng, Yilian Li, Yanxin Wang, and Jianmei Cheng
2.5.3 Linking Chemical and Physical Effects of CO2 Injection to Geophysical Parameters
Gary Mavko, Rolf Arvidson, Andreas Luttge
2.5.4 Reactivity of CO2 In the Subsurface
Katharine Maher, Dennis Bird and Gordon Brown
2.5.5 Multiphase Flow and Monitoring of CO2 in the Subsurface
Sally Benson
2.6 Advanced Combustion
2.6.1 Introduction to Advanced Combustion
2.6.2 The Sootless Diesel: Use of In-Plume Fuel Transformation to Enable High-Load, High-Efficiency, Clean Combustion
Christopher Edwards
2.7 Advanced Materials and Catalysts
2.7.1 Introduction to Advanced Materials and Catalysts
2.7.2 Developing Solid-State Electrocatalysts Based on Design Principles From Nature: The Oxidation of Water and the Reduction of CO2 to Fuels
Thomas Jaramillo and Jens Norskov
2.7.3 Using First-principles Simulations to Discover Materials with Ultra-low Work Functions for Energy Conversion Applications
Roger Howe, Jens Norskov and Piero Pianetta
2.8 Advanced Electric Infrastructure
2.8.1 Introduction to Electric Infrastructure
2.8.2 Scalable and Flat Controls for Reliable Power Grid Operation with High Renewable Penetration
Kevin Tomsovic, Thomas Overbye, Peter Sauer, George Gross, Philip Krein, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Hanoch Lev-Ari, Ali Abur, Joe Chow, Jian Sun, and Daniel Shawhan
2.9 Grid Storage
2.9.1 Introduction to Grid Storage
2.9.2 A Novel Solid Oxide Flow Battery Utilizing H-C-O Chemistry (CSM)
Scott Barnett, Robert Braun and Robert Kee
2.9.3 Novel Electrolyte Energy Storage Systems (U Tex. Austin)
Jeremy Meyers, Allen Bard, Thomas Zawodzinski and Alex Papandrew
2.9.4 Low-Cost Flywheel Energy Storage for Mitigating the Variability of Renewable Power Generation (U Tex. Austin)
Robert Hebner, Michael Lewis, Siddharth Pratap, Ray Baughman and Shaoli Fang
2.9.5 Safe, Inexpensive, and Very High Power Batteries For Use To Reduce Short Term Transients on the Electric Grid
Robert Huggins and Yi Cui
3. Scoping Research Activities -- Progress Reports
3.1 Introduction to Ongoing Scoping Research Activities
3.2 Continuous Passive-Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Geologic Sequestration Projects
Biondo Biondi
3.3 Electrochemical Dinitrogen Fixation
Matthew Kanan
3.4 Real-Time Monitoring at CO2 Sequestration Sites: Fast Data Assimilation and Risk Evaluation
Peter Kitanidis and Eric Darve
3.5 Solid-state Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emission for Solar Energy Conversion
Nick Melosh
3.6 CO2 Capture Using Carbon-based Sorbents
Jennifer Wilcox and Zhenan Bao
3.7 Safe Wireless Power Transfer to Moving Vehicles: Design of Radiationless Electromagnetic Antenna
Shanhui Fan
4. Research Activities -- Final Reports
4.1 Introduction to Final Reports
4.2 Hydrogen Production, Distribution and Use
4.2.1 C-H Bonds in Carbon Nanotubes as an Energy Carrier
Anders Nilsson, Bruce Clemens, and Hongjie Dai
4.3 Renewable Energy-Solar
4.3.1 Self-sorting of Metallic Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Large Area Low Cost Transparent Electrodes
Zhenan Bao
4.3.2 Hot Carrier Solar Cell: Implementation of the Ultimate PV Converter
Gavin Conibeer, Martin Green, Antonio Luque, Antonio Marti, Jean-François Guillemoles, and Tim Schmidt
4.3.3 Plasmonic Photovoltaics
Mark Brongersma, Harry Atwater, and Albert Polman
4.3.4 Photo-electric Enhancement of Thermionic Emission
Nick Melosh and Zhi-Xun Shen
4.4 Renewable Energy-Biomass
4.4.1 Assembly of a Lignin Modification Toolbox
Clint Chapple and Alan Friedman
4.4.2 Towards New Degradable Lignin Types
Wout Boerjan
4.5 CO2 Capture & Separation
4.5.1 Advanced CO2/H2 Separation and Storage Nano-Porous Materials Incorporating Active Functional Agents
Yuichi Fujioka, Shingo Kazama, and Katsunori Yogo
4.6 Advanced Combustion
4.6.1 Combustion Testing and Analysis of an Extreme-States Approach to Low-Irreversibility Engines
Christopher Edwards
5. Scoping Research Activities - Final Reports
5.1 Introduction to Completed Scoping Research Activities
5.2 Axially Graded Index Lens (AGILE) as a Non-tracking Solar Concentrator
Olav Solgaard and Reinhold H. Dauskardt
5.3 Efficient Cell-Free Hydrogen Production from Glucose: Extension
James Swartz
5.4 Manufacturable Nanostructured Solar Cells with Efficient Light Trapping and Charge Carrier Collection
Yi Cui and Shanhui Fan
5.5 Wireless Power Transfer to Moving Vehicles
Shanhui Fan