GCEP's primary efforts fall into two complementary categories: Research and Analysis.
In our Research area, we develop the science and technology that could lead to a global energy system with significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve this, GCEP is building a diverse portfolio of innovative, step-out technologies. GCEP is organized around a range of
research areas that will be considered over the course of the Project, and we currently have numerous
research activities taking place at Stanford and at collaborating institutions around the world. GCEP will continue to add programs in current and other research areas.
In the Analysis area, we assess the potential of processes and technologies to deliver useful energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A set of experts helps to analyze and guide the direction of GCEP’s technical portfolio. The Project's
analysis activities include technology assessment, systems analysis, portfolio analysis and exergy flow charts.
To summarize the progress of our research and analysis activities, GCEP produces an annual
technical report which is made available to the research community and the general public via our site.