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91 - 100 of 136 results for: ECON

ECON 247: Labor Economics II

Topics in current applied microeconomic research including skill-biased technical change, income distribution, program evaluation, job search, migration, consumption behavior. Student and faculty presentations.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Pistaferri, L.

ECON 250: Environmental Economics

Sources of environmental problems in market economies; policy options for addressing these problems. Topics include: alternative environmental policy instruments such as taxes, standards, and tradable permits; valuation of non-marketed commodities such as environmental amenities and biodiversity; and environmental policy making under uncertainty. Applications include global climate change and green tax reform. Prerequisites: 202, 203, 204, and 271, or equivalents with consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: , .; Goulder, L.; Kerr, S.; Wolak, F.

ECON 251: Natural Resource and Energy Economics

Issues in provision and management of non-renewable and renewable natural resources, and energy products and services. Theory and empirical methods related to: market structure, pricing, and performance of important energy and resource industries; sources of market failure in these industries; and alternative regulatory approaches. Prerequisites: 202, 203, 204, 271, and 272, or equivalents with consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Goulder, L.; Kerr, S.; Wolak, F.

ECON 257: Industrial Organization 1

Theoretical and empirical analyses of the determinants of market structure; firm behavior and market efficiency in oligopolies; price discrimination; price dispersion and consumer search; differentiated products; the role of information in markets, including insurance and adverse selection; auctions; collusion and cartel behavior; advertising; entry and market structure; market dynamics; strategic behavior.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Kastl, J.; Levin, J.

ECON 258: Industrial Organization 2

Theoretical and empirical analyses of the determinants of market structure; firm behavior and market efficiency in oligopolies; price discrimination; price dispersion and consumer search; differentiated products; the role of information in markets, including insurance and adverse selection; auctions; collusion and cartel behavior; advertising; entry and market structure; market dynamics; strategic behavior.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Bagwell, K.; Kastl, J.

ECON 260: Industrial Organization III

Current research and policy questions in industrial organization. Course combines lectures by the instructors with student presentations, with an emphasis on initiating dissertation research in industrial organization. Prerequisites: 257, 258.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Bresnahan, T.; Levin, J.

ECON 265: International Economics I

International macroeconomics and finance, emphasizing current research. The course is organized around the role of different types of frictions (in asset and goods markets) in explaining features of the international macroeconomy. Prerequisites: 202, 203, 204, 210, 211, 212.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Fitzgerald, D.

ECON 266: International Economics II

Theory and empirics of the determinants of trade and comparative advantage, income distribution and gains from trade. Firm-level theories of trade and trade with imperfectly competitive markets. Commercial policies, the political economy of trade policy and the economics of trade agreements.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Staiger, R.

ECON 267: Topics in International Trade

Core theoretical and empirical topics in international trade. Classic general equilibrium including comparative advantage, gains from trade and Ricardian, Heckscher-Ohlin and monopolistic competition models, and accompanying evidence. Theory and empirics of trade policy with emphasis on economics of trade agreements.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

ECON 268: Topics in International Finance (ECON 168)

(Graduate students register for 268.) Monetary foundations of international exchange; the rules of the game since Bretton Woods. Foreign exchange risk under the world dollar standard. Hedging, forward covering, and interest parity relationships. International capital flows and the current account. Global trade imbalances; China and Japan versus the U.S. Inflation versus exchange rate targeting in developing countries. Prerequisite for undergraduates: 52; recommended: 165.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: McKinnon, R.
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