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61 - 70 of 136 results for: ECON

ECON 199D: Honors Thesis Research

In-depth study of an appropriate question and completion of a thesis of very high quality. Normally written under the direction of a member of the Department of Economics (or some closely related department). See description of honors program. Register for at least 1 unit for at least one quarter. Meets first week of Autumn Quarter (see Stanford Daily for details).
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-10 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter
Instructors: Abramitzky, R.; Amador, M.; Amemiya, T.; Aoki, M.;... more instructors for ECON 199D »
Instructors: Abramitzky, R.; Amador, M.; Amemiya, T.; Aoki, M.; Arora, A.; Arrow, K.; Athey, S.; Attanasio, O.; Bagwell, K.; Baron, D.; Bekaert, G.; Bernheim, B.; Bhattacharya, J.; Bloom, N.; Boskin, M.; Brady, D.; Bresnahan, T.; Bulow, J.; Canellos, C.; Clerici-Arias, M.; Cogan, J.; Cojoc, D.; David, P.; DeGiorgi, G.; Duffie, J.; Einav, L.; Fafchamps, M.; Falcon, W.; Fitzgerald, D.; Fitzpatrick, M.; Fong, K.; Fuchs, V.; Garber, A.; Gould, A.; Goulder, L.; Greif, A.; Gurley, J.; Haak, D.; Haber, S.; Hall, R.; Hammond, P.; Hansen, P.; Hanson, W.; Hanushek, E.; Harding, M.; Harris, D.; Hartmann, L.; Hartmann, W.; Henry, P.; Hickman, B.; Hong, H.; Hope, N.; Horvath, M.; Hoxby, C.; Jackson, M.; Jagolinzer, A.; Jaimovich, N.; Jayachandran, S.; Jones, C.; Jost, J.; Judd, K.; Kastl, J.; Kessler, D.; Klenow, P.; Kochar, A.; Kojima, F.; Krueger, A.; Kuran, T.; Kurz, M.; Lau, L.; Lazear, E.; Levin, J.; MaCurdy, T.; Mahajan, A.; Malmendier, U.; Manova, K.; McClellan, M.; McKinnon, R.; Meier, G.; Milgrom, P.; Miller, N.; Moser, P.; Naylor, R.; Nechyba, T.; Niederle, M.; Noll, R.; Owen, B.; Pencavel, J.; Piazzesi, M.; Pistaferri, L.; Polinsky, A.; Qian, Y.; Rangel, A.; Reiss, P.; Richards, J.; Roberts, D.; Romer, P.; Rosenberg, N.; Rossi-Hansberg, E.; Rosston, G.; Rothwell, G.; Royalty, A.; Rozelle, S.; Sargent, T.; Schaffner, J.; Schneider, K.; Segal, I.; Sharpe, W.; Shotts, K.; Shoven, J.; Singleton, K.; Skrzypacz, A.; Staiger, R.; Stanton, F.; Sweeney, J.; Taylor, J.; Tendall, M.; Tertilt, M.; Topper, M.; Vytlacil, E.; Wacziarg, R.; Weingast, B.; Wilson, R.; Wolak, F.; Wright, G.; Wright, M.; Yotopoulos, P.; , .

ECON 202: Core Economics: Modules 1 and 2

(Non-Economics graduate students register for 202N.) Open to advanced undergraduates with consent of instructors. Theory of the consumer and the implications of constrained maximization; uses of indirect utility and expenditure functions; theory of the producer, profit maximization, and cost minimization; behavior under uncertainty; partial equilibrium analysis and introduction to models of general equilibrium. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: thorough understanding of the elements of multivariate calculus and linear algebra.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Segal, I.

ECON 202N: 202 For Non-Economics Ph.D. Students

Core Economics modules 1 and 2 for non-Economics Ph.D. students.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Morgavi, H.

ECON 203: Core Economics: Modules 5 and 6

(Non-Economics graduate students register for 203N.) Non-cooperative game theory including normal and extensive forms, solution concepts, games with incomplete information, and repeated games. Externalities and public goods. The theory of imperfect competition: static Bertrand and Cournot competition, dynamic oligopoly, entry decisions, entry deterrence, strategic behavior to alter market conditions. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 202.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Bernheim, B.

ECON 203N: 203 For Non-Economics Ph.D. Students

Non-cooperative game theory including normal and extensive forms, solution concepts, games with incomplete information, and repeated games. Externalities, public goods, and asymmetric information. The theory of imperfect competition and other applications. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 202N or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Ott, M.

ECON 204: Core Economics: Modules 9 and 10

The theory of contracts, emphasizing contractual incompleteness and the problem of moral hazard. Incentive regulation. Competition with imperfect information, including signaling and adverse selection. The theory of resource allocation over time, competitive equilibrium, and intertemporal efficiency. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 203.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Jackson, M.

ECON 210: Core Economics: Modules 3 and 7

Dynamic economics applied to aggregate economic fluctuations and economic growth. Solving dynamic, stochastic rational expectation models using discrete time dynamic programming. Growth theory (neoclassical models, growth accounting, technical change, endogenous growth) using optimal control theory. Limited enrollment.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Amador, M.; Jaimovich, N.

ECON 211: Core Economics: Modules 11 and 12

Capital asset pricing models, equilibrium with securities, pricing of securities, and arbitrage. Overlapping generations models with incomplete market structure and sunspots. Foundations of Bayesian dynamic learning. Investment theory and empirics, including adjustment costs and the q theory; consumption theory and empirics, focusing on the life-cycle model; and the labor market. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 210.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Schneider, K.; Tertilt, M.

ECON 212: Core Economics: Modules 4 and 8

Monetary theory: economic fluctuations, the role of money (overlapping generations, cash in advance, money in the utility function), dynamic impact of changes in money on the economy, natural rate of unemployment and job creation/destruction, exchange rate determination, international transmission of money, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. Macroeconomic policy: rationale for central bank independence, time inconsistency, the impact of public debt, rules versus discretion, interest rate versus money rules, international monetary policy coordination, rational expectations, econometric policy evaluation. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 203, 211.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Piazzesi, M.; Taylor, J.

ECON 214: Development Economics I

Microeconomic analysis of markets and institutions in developing countries. Topics: the role of the household; health and nutrition; education; property rights; governance; and technology. Emphasis is on empirical tests of and evidence for theoretical models. Prerequisites: 202 or 202N, 270.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Jayachandran, S.
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