In the Spotlight
Modernizing professional learning programs and expanding broadband to cover publicly funded preschool programs are two recommendations from a new report co-authored by Professors Linda Darling-Hammond and Brigid Barron.
Paulo Blikstein spoke at TEDx Manhattan Beach last October about FabLab@School, a digital fabrication lab aimed at boosting student interest in STEM fields. Watch the full talk.
Registration is now open for Smaller Learning Communities Study Visits to Hillsdale High School. These inquiry-based professional learning tours provide schools and districts with the opportunity to learn from Hillsdale High’s practices and transformation process to inform their own school transformation.
FabLab@School is designed to boost student interest in STEM fields, says Paulo Blikstein
Coaching is one of the more cost effective ways to improve retention and graduation rates, according to a new study by Eric Bettinger and doctoral student Rachel Baker.
Claude Goldenberg has won Learning Forward’s Best Research Award for his studies examining the impact of professional learning communities on student achievement and teacher instruction.
A simple “values affirmation” writing exercise can make a dramatic difference in the exam scores of female physics students, according to Geoffrey Cohen in a new study published in Science.
Teacher performance assessments can be used to strengthen licensure, teacher preparation, and instructional practice, according to Prof. Linda Darling-Hammond in a new report.
Educator prep. programs must be strengthened so that educators are equipped to address children's development needs, according to Ira Lit in a new paper commissioned by NCATE.
Professor Kenji Hakuta will present "Educating Language Minority Students and Affirming Their Equal Rights" on October 28 in Washington, D.C.
H. Samy Alim says the Drug Enforcement Administration's controversial request to hire Ebonics translators highlights several ironies.
Professor Susanna Loeb discussed the increasingly complex roles of school leadership at a recent PACE conference examining LAUSD’s reform efforts.
Associate Professor Mitchell Stevens has been appointed the new director of the Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR).