Annual Giving Opportunities at School of Education
There are two main giving opportunities to support the School of Education:
School of Education Annual Fund: The Education Fund
The School of Education receives less than 30% of its operating budget from the university, so annual giving is a crucial source of unrestricted funding. These flexible dollars allow the school to allocate financial resources where the need is greatest from year to year. For example, the School of Education Annual Fund supports internships for future education leaders and financial aid funding. Did you know that gift of $50 to the Education Fund has the same impact on the school’s budget as an endowed gift of $1,000? Collectively, we can make a difference! Every gift, regardless of size, tells us that you support the school, our students, our faculty, and the work done here every day to improve education.
The Summer Challenge
Right now you can double the impact of your giving. A generous Stanford alumna and volunteer whose passion is educational excellence has offered to match every gift received at the school 1:1 between now and the end of Stanford’s fiscal year on August 31st. Please make a decision to support the School of Education today, so that we can leverage this chance to strengthen the school’s ability to attract and train the next generation of leaders.
“If my gift could allow more educators to come and to learn and examine the broader context that informs our work, and then bring that experience back to their schools and communities, I think that would be an amazing investment. “ Jessie Gerson-Nieder, MA ‘12
“Graduate student aid is really important in being able draw the best students to the School of Education, to make sure they can concentrate on their studies while they are here, and in ensuring they can enter careers whey they can have the greatest impact.” Diana Delatour Lopez, MA ‘08
“Financial aid has made a huge impact on International Comparative Education students because it allows them to do research, to collect data, to meet teachers and parents, and to connect with the incomparable faculty here at the School of Education.” Rudy Rubio, BA ’08, MA ‘09
“This is the best time to be investing in education. This is the best time to have our giving reflect our values as a society.” Jessie Arora, MA ‘08
“Nobody goes into education to become a millionaire. People go into education because they care about making the lives of teachers and students better. Having student aid helps us attract the most talented people in the country to help solve some of the most intractable social issues that we’re confronting today.” Jason Weeby, MA ‘07
Click the red button and say yes to the Summer Challenge!
You can make your gift online now at
or by calling
Holly Materman
Manager of the School of Education Annual Fund
[email protected]
(650) 723-0630
Support Stanford New Schools and the East Palo Alto Academy
At the East Palo Alto Academy, Stanford puts theory into practice and partners at the grassroots level to create change in the local community by operating a charter school for students from East Palo Alto. In California, one in five students drops out of high school before graduation. For students of color, the statistics are much worse. Stanford New Schools is committed to changing these numbers for the students of East Palo Alto, believing that a rigorous, enriched and balanced education serves as a powerful antidote for many of the challenges these students face.
If you would like to make a gift in support of Stanford’s charter school, please go to
If you would like more information, please contact
Mindy W. Hollar
Associate Director of Development
(650) 721-5733