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Selection on Moral Hazard in Health Insurance, Einav, Liran, Finkelstein Amy, Ryan Stephen P., Schrimpf Paul, and Cullen Mark R. , American Economic Review, 02/2013, Volume 103, Issue 1, p.178-219, (2013)
Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange, Jackson, Matthew O., Rodriguez-Barraquer Tomas, and Tan Xu , American Economic Review, 08/2012, Volume 102, Issue 5, p.1857-1897, (2012)
Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices, Klenow, Peter J., and Bils Mark , 07/2002, Issue 9069, (2002) Abstract
Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices, Klenow, Peter J., and Bils Mark , 2004, Volume 112, Issue 5, p.947 - 985, (2004)
Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices, Klenow, Peter J., and Bils Mark , 2004, Volume 112, p.947 - 985, (2004)
Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices, Klenow, Peter J., and Bils Mark , 07/2002, (2002) Abstract
Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Model Database, Taylor, John B., and Wieland Volker , The Review of Economics and Statistics, 08/2012, Volume 94, Issue 3, p.800-816, (2012)