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Rational Diverse Beliefs and Economic Volatility , Kurz, Mordecai , 06/2007, (2007) Abstract
Redistributive Taxation in the Roy Model, Rothschild, Casey, and Scheuer Florian , The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 04/2013, Volume 128, Issue 2, p.623-668, (2013)
Reputational Bargaining With Minimal Knowledge of Rationality, Wolitzky, Alexander , Econometrica, 09/2012, Volume 80, Issue 5, p.2047-2087, (2012)
Reset Price Inflation and the Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks, Bils, Mark, Klenow Peter, and Malin Benjamin , American Economic Review, 10/2012, Volume 102, Issue 6, p.2798-2825, (2012)
A Revealed Preference Ranking of U.S. Colleges and Universities, Avery, Christopher N., Glickman Mark E., Hoxby Caroline M., and Metrick Andrew , Quarterly Journal of Economics, 02/2013, Volume 128, Issue 1, p.425-467, (2013)