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Designing Random Allocation Mechanisms: Theory and Applications, Budish, Eric, Che Yeon-Koo, Kojima Fuhito, and Milgrom Paul , American Economic Review, 04/2013, Volume 103, Issue 2, p.585-623, (2013)
Diagnosing Consumer Confusion and Sub-optimal Shopping Effort: Theory and Mortgage-Market Evidence, Woodward, Susan, and Hall Robert , American Economics Review, 12/2012, Volume 102, Issue 7, p.3249-3276, (2012)
The Diffusion of Microfinance, Banerjee, Abhijit, Chandrasekhar Arun, Duflo Esther, and Jackson Matthew , Science, 07/2013, Volume 341, Issue 6144, (2013)
Does Management Matter? Evidence from India, Bloom, Nicholas, Eifert Benn, Mahajan Aprajit, McKenzie David, and Roberts John , Quarterly Journal of Economics, 02/2013, Volume 128, Issue 1, p.1-51, (2013)