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China's Financial Conundrum and Global Imbalances , McKinnon, Ronald I. , 08/2008, (2008) Abstract
China’s Financial Conundrum and Global Imbalances, McKinnon, Ronald I. , 08/2008, (2008) Abstract
Contract Pricing in Consumer Credit Market, Einav, Liran, Jenkins Mark, and Levin Jonathan , Econometrica, 07/2012, Volume 80, Issue 4, p.1337-1432, (2012)
Cooperation with Network Monitoring, Wolitzky, Alexander , Review of Economic Studies, 01/2013, Volume 80, Issue 1, p.395-427, (2013)
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms, and International Trade, Manova, Kalina , The Review of Economic Studies, 04/2013, Volume 80, Issue 2, p.711-744, (2013)
Credit within the Firm, Guiso, Luigi, Pistaferri Luigi, and Schivardi Fabiano , Review of Economic Studies, 01/2013, Volume 80, Issue 1, p.211-247, (2013)