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Joint MS Application

Download slides from October 2010 information session for prospective Joint MBA-MS students

Download slides from November 2010 information session for prospective Joint JD-MS students

Starting in the 2009-2010 academic year, there are two ways to apply for the Joint MS:

For students not already enrolled in a professional school: You may apply at the same time you apply to the Graduate School of Business or Stanford Law School following the instructions and deadlines included in the MBA and JD application:

Graduate School of Business — MBA

An additional statement of purpose (2 pages maximum) will be required as part of your MBA application. Please use the same formatting guidelines as the MBA application. The statement of purpose should describe your specific interest in the E-IPER program and the necessity of interdisciplinary training for your future career goals. Applications accepted by the GSB will be forwarded to E-IPER for review. Students will be notified of acceptance for the MBA and Joint MS at the same time.

Stanford Law School — JD

Indicate your interest in the E-IPER Joint MS on your Law School application. If you are accepted by Stanford Law School, your application will be forwarded to E-IPER for review, and you will be contacted for an additional statement of purpose detailing your specific interest in the E-IPER program and the necessity of interdisciplinary training for your future career goals. Students may be notified of their acceptance for the Joint MS after they have been accepted for the JD.

School of Medicine — MD

Applicants to the School of Medicine with an interest in the Joint MS should contact E-IPER directly.

For students currently enrolled in Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Stanford Law School, or School of Medicine: You may apply during winter quarter of your first year, following the instructions below. The deadline for applications to begin the Joint MS in Autumn 2012 will be in Winter quarter 2012. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by the end of March.

Students applying for the Joint MS do not pay an application fee, but those who matriculate in the Joint MS are required to pay a fee to the Registrar to add their E-IPER graduate career.

Note that the Joint MBA-MS takes two years plus 2-3 additional quarters to complete - it cannot be completed in just two years. The Joint JD-MS may be completed during the student's three years in the Law School. The Joint MD-MS requires one additional year outside the School of Medicine.

Professional school students interested in a policy-focused program should explore Stanford's Masters in Public Policy program.

To Apply:

  1. Ask your professional school admissions or academic operations office to forward a complete copy of your GSB, Stanford Law School, or School of Medicine application to E-IPER by the Winter quarter, 2012 deadline.
  2. Submit the following application materials to E-IPER:
    • A statement of purpose (2 pages maximum). The statement of purpose should describe your specific interest in the E-IPER program and the necessity of interdisciplinary training for your future career goals.
    • An unofficial Stanford transcript that includes your Autumn quarter/semester grades and Winter quarter classes.
    • For Joint JD-MS students only: Because the LSAT does not include a quantitative component, students applying for the Joint JD-MS should include a brief paragraph describing their quantitative preparation (ie. previous coursework in mathematics and sciences, etc. or relevant professional work) for the science and engineering courses that are required for the Joint MS.

Review Process:

Applications will be reviewed by the E-IPER Joint MS Admissions Committee using a holistic process to consider each applicant's academic preparation, professional experience, and career goals. The strongest candidates will clearly demonstrate how they will integrate their prior experiences with their E-IPER education and why an interdisciplinary graduate degree is necessary for their career goals. The Joint MS program is growing rapidly and may not be able to accept all interested students.


If you have any questions about the application materials or process, send an e-mail clearly stating your problem or question to [email protected]. Please only send inquiries via e-mail.