Apply for Housing 2010-11 |
Stanford students |
Overview |
To receive a housing assignment at Stanford University, upper-class undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) should submit an application online through Axess each year. For an overview of the undergraduate draw process, a copy of our “Undergraduate Draw 101” presentation is available for download. The brochure, “Apply for Undergraduate Housing 2010-11,” which includes details of the process, important deadlines, and a worksheet for ranking building and room-type preferences, is also available.
Other Students
- Incoming freshmen and transfer students: You will apply for housing as part of the Approaching Stanford application process after you receive the guidebook mailed to you in May.
- Co-terminal students: Please check your guarantee status; you will need to apply for Graduate Housing if you have already applied for undergraduate housing for 4 years.
Couples without Children and Students with Children
- If you need couples housing or family housing you will need to apply in person through the Housing Assignment Office
Application Process |
The online application is located on Axess—Stanford’s online student information system. To have the greatest chance of getting your preferred residence, please read all the instructions on our website (e.g. Assignment Process and Residence Chart). When you’re ready and know all your options, please go to Application Process for instructions. |
Submit by
Deadline |
Axess begins accepting housing applications in mid-April for the following summer and academic year. Be sure to submit your application by the appropriate deadline to be included in the pool of candidates for a particular quarter. |
Winter /
Spring |
Even if you don’t need housing until Winter- or Spring Quarters, you will receive a better chance of assignment if you submit your application by the May deadline. |
Deadline |
If you miss the first-round deadline, submit your application for the appropriate Waitlist as soon as you can. Your position on the list depends on the date you apply. |
Assignment Process |
Student Housing makes the initial, first-round assignments through a process based on randomly generated Draw numbers. In subsequent rounds the numbers are assigned sequentially based on the date you apply.
Beginning in May there are three rounds of assignments.
Round 1 is for students who applied by the May deadline. After the first round, Autumn assignments are announced. For Winter- or Spring Quarter housing, students who applied by the May deadline will still receive a first-round number. For a complete explanation, please read the Assignment Process pages. |
Important Dates 2010 – 11 |
Academic Term Dates of Occupancy |
Autumn Quarter |
Sept. 16, 2010, to noon, Dec. 11, 2010 |
Winter Quarter |
Jan. 1, 2011, to noon, Mar. 19, 2011 |
Spring Quarter |
Mar. 26, 2011, to 8 a.m., June 10, 2011 |
Summer Quarter |
June 18, 2011, to noon, Aug. 14, 2011 |
Application Deadlines |
April 16, 2010 |
Deadline to submit a Disability/Medical Accommodation form to the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) for Summer Quarter 2010 and 2010 - 2011 academic year. |
April 14, 2010 |
Axess begins accepting housing applications for the 2010 - 2011 year, and Summer 2010. |
April 16, 2010 |
Deadline for students seeking Disability/Medical Accommodation for Summer Quarter 2010 and the 2010-11 academic year to submit draw applications in Axess. |
May 9, 2010 |
Deadline to join the Draw for Autumn Quarter and the Waitlist for housing beginning Winter- or Spring Quarter 2010 - 2011 and
receive first-round number (6:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time) |
July 4, 2010 |
Deadline to apply for the Autumn Quarter Waitlist |
NOTE: Please view the Calendar for ALL deadline dates |
Cancellation Process |
If you want to cancel your assignment
- After you are assigned but before you move into housing, you may cancel through Axess or in writing to the Housing Assignment Office. Cancellation fees do apply.
- After you have moved into housing and you are still enrolled, you may file a Termination of Occupancy form, but will be required to continue to pay rent.
- When taking of Leave of Absence or attending a Stanford Program away from the home campus you will need to file a termination of occupancy form by the deadline. If you file after the deadline additional fees will be charged.