apply/reapply for housing 2010-11 |
Grad Students attending GOALIE |
Although the housing application process varies for undergraduate students, graduate students, and summer visitors, the application “year” begins for everyone in spring for the subsequent summer and academic year.
You’ll find it easier to navigate Student Housing’s application process if, before applying, you take time to review the information on eligibility, deadlines, and housing policies related to your student status. When you apply, use the application worksheets that are currently available for summer students and visitors, single graduate students and groups, couples without children, and students with children.
Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the 2010-11 Residence Agreement, depending on the academic year for which you are applying; it is a legal and binding document, and you will be asked to agree to its terms when you apply.
Apply for Academic Year Housing |
Apply for University housing through Axess, Stanford’s online information system. |
To apply online in Axess, you will need: |
- Your Stanford ID number (look for your Tentative Student ID on your Response to Offer of Admission form);
- Your Stanford University Network ID (SUNet ID) which you can set up at http://sunetid.stanford.edu/ (allow one to two working days for processing); and
- A web browser enabled with cookies and javascript
You may apply for only one type of housing (single, couple, or student with children) for a given quarter. If your status changes, you must re-apply for housing suitable to your new status. |
To log onto Axess: |
- Select “R&DE Application.”
- Select “Submit application or renew contract” and follow the prompts.
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When to Submit Your Application |
Axess begins accepting housing applications in mid-April for the following academic year. Be sure to submit your application by the appropriate deadline—check the graduate calendar—if you want to be included in the pool of candidates considered for housing for a particular quarter.
Even if you don’t need housing until Winter Quarter or Spring Quarter, you will receive a better chance of assignment if you submit your application by the May rather than the October or February deadlines.
If you miss the first-round deadline, submit your application for the waiting list as soon as you can. Your position on the list depends on the date you apply.
Don’t wait until the last day to apply! Axess allows only a limited number of students to log on at one time, and the system can slow down during periods of heavy use. |
If You Miss the Deadline |
If you miss the application deadline, you can apply for a Waiting List assignment or, if you miss both deadlines, you can attend walk-in meetings. At these meetings, remaining vacancies are offered for assignment to students according to their positions on the waiting list. Check the graduate calendar for Waiting List and walk-in dates.
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Students with a Disability or Medical Condition |
If you, your spouse, partner, or child have special housing needs due to a disability or documented medical condition, you may apply for a pre-assignment round that places you in a residence with appropriate accommodations. See Students with Disabilities.
To be considered for the pre-assignment exemption, in addition to filing a housing application through Axess, submit a Disability/Medical Accommodation Request and all other required forms to the Office of Accessible Education by the deadlines listed on the graduate calendar. We strongly suggest that you submit this form as early as possible to ensure that your case can be sufficiently reviewed. Keep in mind that space for certain types of residences is limited and, if you apply late, may not be available.
Before you apply for Stanford housing, be sure to research the housing options that meet your needs. Consult the Office of Accessible Education or see the summary list of accessible residences.
Also, group applications for Autumn Quarter will only be considered until the
initial application deadline in mid-April. After that date, students filing a Disability/Medical Accommodation Request may do so only as single students unless their accommodation specifies a live-in attendant.
If you are assigned to University housing after you submit an application with a Disability/Accommodation Request, you relinquish your right to participate in other assignment rounds.
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Single Students |
If you are new to Stanford |
If you are new to Stanford and plan to live with one or more roommates, you can: |
- Apply for housing without specifying a roommate.The Housing Front Desk staff will review the roommate preference information in your application and match you with one or more roommates during the assignment process.
- Apply for housing with a potential roommate or roommates you already know or have met through your department, Stanford student organizations, campus religious groups, or Stanford’s Lottery Group Matchmaker.
Either way, complete the Roommate Preferences part of the Housing Application. If you apply for housing with someone who later withdraws his or her application, the Housing Front Desk staff will need this information to provide you with a potentially-compatible match. |
Applying in a Group |
If you want to live on campus with one to three friends, you may apply for housing in a group. Applying as a group gives friends the best opportunity of being assigned together—especially if everyone in the group has the same gender, student status, assignment priority level, residence priority, selects to use group retention, and if everyone has listed their residence choices in the same order.
Coed groups may also apply to live together. Student Housing has set aside gender-neutral apartments in Lyman Graduate Residences, Munger Graduate Residence and Rains Houses for coed groups. Coed groups assigned to these areas may be assigned to the same apartment. Coed groups assigned to other residences will be assigned to same-sex apartments near each other. Students must apply as a group, select their own roommates from students assigned to the residence and completely fill an apartment in order to participate in the program. If you are living in gender-neutral housing and one of your roommates leaves in the middle of the year, you may be required to move in order to return the space to single-gender. No students will be assigned to a mixed gender apartment without requesting it.
To apply as a group: |
Choose a name and password for your group that cannot easily be duplicated—for instance, gr8music and play4us. The name and password should include:
- five to eight characters and
- at least one alpha and one numeric character
- no symbols
- Include the group name and group password on each application.
- Include names of group members on absentee applications.
- You should decide whether or not to use the group retention feature which allows you to move to a lower preference in order to keep your group together should there not be space in a higher preference.
Applying in a group doesn’t help or hamper your chances for assignment. It also doesn’t guarantee that all members will be assigned to the same residence, or to the same room or apartment within a residence. If there isn’t enough room in a residence for all members—for instance, during Winter and Spring Quarters when vacant apartments are rarely available—you may be split between residences. If this happens, you can petition to have your split group reunited.
If you have submitted a Disability/Medical Accommodation Request when you apply for housing with a group, you don’t need to participate in the regular room-assignment process if you are assigned to a specific room and/or roommate/s.
Note: |
If members of your group live in different residences or off campus during spring term, it’s not a good idea to use your Returning Resident Priority. This priority is only effective for the student who holds it and does not apply to other group members. |
If you are applying for housing without specifying a roommate, use the application worksheet for single students to prepare your information before you log onto Axess. |
If you are applying for housing as a group, use the application worksheet for groups to prepare your information before you log onto Axess. |
Couples without Children |
Housing for couples without children is available for both graduate and undergraduate students. If your spouse or partner will occupy the apartment with you, indicate your marital status. This information is simply used for planning purposes, is treated confidentially, and has no impact on your housing application or assignment.
Your spouse or partner must occupy the apartment at least 50 percent of each week for you to qualify for couples without children housing.
Use the application worksheet for couples without children to prepare your information before you log onto Axess. |
Students with Children |
Housing for students with children is available for both graduate and undergraduate students. To be eligible for housing for students with children, your children must be legal dependent and occupy your apartment at least 50 percent of each week. You are eligible to apply for the two-bedroom apartments if you have one or two children and for the thee-bedroom apartments if you have two or three children. Single parents with one child may also apply for the one-bedroom apartments.
Use the application worksheet for students with children to prepare your information before you log onto Axess.
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