                        and Sciences][Stanford University]
Department of Physics

Faculty Research Interests

Research interests and faculty who share each interest. An alphabetical faculty list is also available. 

Experimental Particle Physics

Patricia Burchat 
Blas Cabrera 
Giorgio Gratta 
David M. Ritson 
Stanley George Wojcicki 
Mason Russell Yearian 

Theoretical Particle Physics

Savas Dimopoulos
Peter Graham
Sean Hartnoll
Shamit Kachru 
Renata Kallosh 
Andrei Linde 
Leonardo Senatore
Stephen Shenker
Eva Silverstein
Leonard Susskind

Experimental Condensed Matter

Malcolm Beasley  (Applied Physics)
Arthur Bienenstock  (Applied Physics)
Blas Cabrera 
Steven Chu 
Bruce Clemens  (Applied Physics)
Theodore Geballe  (Applied Physics)
David Goldhaber-Gordon
Martin Greven (Applied Physics)
Aharon Kapitulnik 
John A. Lipa 
William A. Little 
Hari Manoharan
Kathryn Moler (Applied Physics)
Douglas D. Osheroff
H. Alan Schwettman
Zhi-Xun Shen 

Theoretical Condensed Matter

Sebastian Doniach 
Alexander L. Fetter 
Walter Harrison  (Applied Physics)
Sean Hartnoll
W. Conyers Herring  (Applied Physics)
Bernardo Huberman  (Applied Physics)
Steven Kivelson
Robert B. Laughlin 
Xiao-Liang Qi
Srinivas Raghu
Shoucheng Zhang 

Experimental Gravitational Physics 

John A. Lipa 
John Turneaure 

Theoretical Gravitational Physics 

Sean Hartnoll
Renata Kallosh 
Leonard Susskind 
Robert Vernon Wagoner 

Observational Astrophysics

Steven Allen
Sarah Church
Stefan Funk
Steven Kahn
Chao-Lin Kuo
Roger Romani
Philip H. Scherrer

Theoretical Astrophysics

Tom Abel
Roger Blandford
Steven Kahn
Vahe Petrosian 
Roger William Romani
Leonardo Senatore
Peter Andrew Sturrock 
Robert Vernon Wagoner
Risa Wechsler

Experimental Atomic Physics

Phil Bucksbaum
Leo Hollberg
Mark Kasevich

Experimental Nuclear Physics 

Giorgio Gratta 
Stanley Hanna 
Mason Russell Yearian 

Experimental Particle Astrophysics

Blas Cabrera 
Peter F. Michelson 
Mason Russell Yearian 

Experimental Accelerator Physics

John Fox  (Applied Physics)
David M Ritson 
H. Alan Schwettman 
Todd I. Smith 
Helmut Wiedemann  (Applied Physics)
Herman Winick  (Applied Physics)

Quantum Electronics

Steven Chu 
Yoshihisa Yamamoto  (Applied Physics)

Laser Physics

Richard Brewer  (Applied Physics)
Phil Bucksbaum
Robert Byer  (Applied Physics)
Martin Fejer  (Applied Physics)
Stephen Harris  (Applied Physics)
Leo Hollberg
Mark Kasevich
H. Alan Schwettman 
Todd I. Smith


Rhiju Das (Biochemistry)
Sebastian Doniach
Craig Levin (Radiology - Molecular Imaging)
Stephen Quake (Bioengineering faculty)
H. Alan Schwettman 

Polymer Physics

Steven Chu 


Tom Abel
Steven Allen
Roger Blandford
Sarah Church
Peter Graham
Steven Kahn
Chao-Lin Kuo
Andrei Linde
Vahe Petrosian 
Leonardo Senatore
Robert Vernon Wagoner
Risa Wechsler


Sebastian Doniach 
Alexander L. Fetter 
Aharon Kapitulnik 
Hari Manoharan
Kathryn Moler (Applied Physics)
H. Alan Schwettman 
Todd I. Smith 
John Turneaure 
Shoucheng Zhang 

Microscopy and Imaging

David Goldhaber-Gordon
Gordon Kino (Applied Physics)
Hari Manoharan
Kathryn Moler (Applied Physics)
Calvin Quate  (Applied Physics)

Optical Materials

Lambertus Hesselink  (Applied Physics)

Mesoscopic Physics

David Goldhaber-Gordon
Hari Manoharan


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