Leonard Susskind

Faculty Type: 
Active Faculty
Felix Bloch Professor
Varian Physics Bldg., Rm. 388
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4060
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What does quantum gravity tell us about black holes, information, and the universe?

Professor Susskind’s current research interests include particle physics, quantum field theory, quantum gravity, black holes, string theory, and cosmology.

Career History

B.S., 1962, City College of New York 

  • Ph.D., 1965, Cornell University 
  • National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, 1965-66 
  • Assistant Professor of Physics, Belfer Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University, 1966-68 
  • Associate Professor of Physics, Belfer Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University 1968-70 
  • Professor of Physics, University of Tel Aviv, 1971-72 
  • Professor of Physics, Belfer Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University 1970-79 
  • Professor of Physics, Stanford University, 1979-present 
  • Pregel Award, New York Academy of Science, 1975 
  • Loeb Lecturer, Harvard University, 1976 
  • J.J. Sakurai Prize in Theoretical Particle Physics, 1997
  • Felix Bloch Professorship in Physics, 2000-present
  • Director, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2009-present


Graduate Students