Aharon Kapitulnik
Professor of Physics and Applied Physics

Geballe Laboratory for Advanced
McCullough Building rm. 361
Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305
tel 650-723 3847
fax 650-725 2189
Research Interests
Condensed matter physics; Physics of
low-dimensional systems; Disordered and Strongly correlated electron
systems; Superconductivity, magnetism, quantum phase transitions.
Use of condensed matter techniques for general
physics measurements; Measurement of gravity at sub-mm length-scales.
Career History
- B.A. 1975, Tel-Aviv University
- Ph.D., 1983 Tel-Aviv University
- Weizmann fellow and Institute Fellow
- Institute for Polymers and Organic Solids,
Associate Member
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, University
of California, Santa Barbara, 1983-85
- Assistant Professor of Applied Physics,
Stanford University 1985-90
- Associate Professor of Applied Physics,
Stanford University, 1990-94
- Associate Professor of Physics, Stanford
University, 1993-94
- Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics,
- Fellow of the American Physical Society,
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow
- Presidential Young Investigator Award
- IBM Faculty Development Award
- TRW Faculty Assistantship Award
- 2009
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Prize
Graduate Students as of 7/2004:
- Sylvia Smullin
- Alan Fang
- Myles Steiner
- Andrew Geraci
- David Weld
- Jing Xia