Diversity Programs


Undergraduates & Prospective Graduate Students

Students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply to Stanford graduate programs. The School of Humanities and Sciences Diversity Program can offer assistance with preparing for graduate studies and the application process. We also sponsor an undergraduate summer research program.


Current Students

Once accepted, students are offered resources, programs, and assistance through the Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Diversity Programs to help them succeed and complete their graduate degrees in a timely manner, including assistance with addressing unusual circumstances and/or problems.


Faculty and Staff Support

Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Diversity Programs provides assistance and support to prospective and current students, departments, and faculty in the areas of graduate student pipeline development, recruitment, admissions and retention.


Institutional Representatives

Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Diversity Programs supports the efforts of representatives who work with diverse undergraduates in their own institutions and  prepare them for graduate studies.