About Us

The Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies is a division of the School of Humanities and Sciences that works with academic departments and programs in support of curricular matters and the departments' and programs' services to students, both graduate and undergraduate. We work closely with departments and programs on curricular development and changes, enrollment patterns, graduate diversity recruitment and retention, and all other matters pertaining to supporting students, such as graduate student aid and advising in the major (undergraduates). We also work in partnership with the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education to provide services for students in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

You will find a description of our programs and services on this website, along with links to other important campus resources. We also invite you to visit us on the second floor of Building One in the Main Quad.

Office of Graduate & Undergraduate Studies
School of Humanities & Sciences
Office of the Dean
450 Serra Mall
Building 1, Main Quad, 2nd Floor
Stanford, CA 94305-2070
Phone: (650) 736-9805