
The Department of Theater & Performance Studies (TAPS) manages a number of performance and rehearsal spaces on campus, where we showcase most of our creative program. The spaces managed by TAPS include: Memorial Auditorium,** Pigott Theater, Prosser Studio Theater, Roble Gymnasium Building dance and rehearsal studios, and Nitery Theater.

Use of our spaces is limited to university-affiliated persons and organizations. If you or your organization would like to inquire about use of a performance space, please visit the TAPS Calendar website, read the policies and proceedures, and submit a request through this site.

**Please note that requests to book Memorial Auditorium must be made through the Registrar's Office.

Memorial Auditorium

551 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

Memorial Auditorium is the largest indoor performance space at Stanford. It is located on Serra Mall, across from Hoover Tower. Memorial Auditorium houses the TAPS main office, faculty offices, administrative staff offices, the costume shop, scene shops, the light lab, and production staff offices. Memorial Auditorium's main stage features a large proscenium stage, and orchestra and balcony seating. Memorial Auditorium holds up to 1705 audience members. Requests to reserve Memorial Auditorium must be made through the University Registrar's Office.

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The Pigott Theater

551 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

The Pigott Theater is located in Memorial Hall, facing the Graduate School of Business. The Pigott Theater features a proscenium stage, and has a seating capacity of 194. This space is managed by the TAPS. Parking can be found on Memorial Way and in the parking lot on Lasuen Way.

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Prosser Studio Theater

551 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

Prosser Studio Theater, located on the second floor of Memorial Hall, has a flexible seating capacity of approximately 60. This small black box theater is fully equipped as a performance space, and is commonly used for TAPS majors' senior projects. This space is managed by the TAPS.

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Roble Gymnasium Building

Roble Gymnasium Building
375 Santa Teresa Street
Stanford, CA 94305

Roble Gymnasium Building houses our Dance Division main office, faculty, and administrative staff, as well as dance studios, acting studios, and rehearsal spaces.Dance workshops and performances are often held in the Big Dance Studio (Studio 38), located across from Roble Studio Theater. Spaces in Roble Gymnasium Building are managed by TAPS.

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Nitery Theater

Old Union
Stanford, CA 94305

The recently renovated Nitery Theater is located in the Old Union, near White Plaza, and has a flexible seating capacity of up to 85. This fully equipped black box theater can adapt to a wide range of seating and staging formats. This space is typically used for directing workshops and the support of campus student theater groups.

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