The Minor in Theater & Performance Studies (TAPS) requires the critical and historical study of theater as well as the study and experience of performance. A total of 30 units are required to obtain a Minor in TAPS. The minor provides aesthetic and critical opportunities for students to develop vital intellectual and creative skills. Students are encouraged to declare a minor in their sophomore year.
Required Courses
30 units total for the minor
A course may be listed in more than one area; however, each course can only satisfy one minor requirement. There is no double credit for a course. Additionally, you can petition to the department Undergraduate Advisor to have additional courses offered by the department count towards requirements in areas 2 and 3. All introductory courses are required with no exceptions.
1) Introductory Core Courses—8 units
TAPS 1 is a required course. Students can select one additional core course below to satisfy the remaining units for this area.
TAPS 30. How Theater is Designed (4 units)
TAPS 1. Introduction to Theater & Performance Studies (4 units)
TAPS 101P. How Practice Practices (4 units)
2) Theatrical Literature/History—4 units
Any course between TAPS 150-169, TAPS 160-161
3) Theatrical Performance Courses: Acting, Design, Directing, and Playwriting—4 units
Any course in TAPS 30-149
Acting courses between TAPS 20-29, 103-105, 120-129, 203, 201V, 210
TAPS 110. Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: The Institute for Diversity in the Arts (IDA)
Playwriting and Dramaturgy courses between TAPS 70-79
Directing,Playwriting and Dramaturgy courses between TAPS 170-179
Design courses 31, 131-133, 137
4) Theatrical Production—2 units
TAPS 39. Theater Crew
5) Electives—12 units
Any courses in TAPS or Dance

The TAPS minor with a concentration in dance must complete 30 units of course work in Dance. Upon declaring the minor, a proposed course of study must be submitted and approved by each student to the Dance Director, Janice Ross. This can be done at the time of declaration through Axess. All students must schedule a meeting with the Dance Director, to be completed no later than one quarter following the declaration. For students wishing to minor in TAPS with a concentration in dance must meet the core requirements listed below. An individual program of study must be shaped in consultation with the minor adviser in Dance, Janice Ross. Please note that classes change every year so you must have the consent of the adviser.
For more information on declaring a TAPS minor with a concentration in dance, email our student services officer at [email protected].
Required Courses
30 total units
(1) Technique Classes: Studio Classes: Minimum of six studio dance classes (10 units)
A concentration of at least three classes chosen from a specific dance form
(e.g., World, Modern, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Ballet, Social), and the attainment of intermediate or advanced level (6 Units)
At least two classes in a style other than the concentration (4 units)
(2) Dance Studies Classes: Minimum of two to three of the following (8 units)
DANCE 151. The Cinderella Theory: Representation of the Family (3 units)
DANCE 160. Performance: Dance and History: The Ballerina (4 units)
DANCE 171. Conversing Across Dance History: Ralph Lemon's Traces (4 units)
DANCE 191 or 290. Special Project (3-5 units)
(3) Choreography/Repertory/Performance Classes (4 units)
DANCE 27. Faculty Choreography (2 units)
DANCE 53. Laboratory of Creative Practice (2 units)
DANCE 61. Pointe and Variations (2 units)
DANCE 100. Student Choreography (2 units)
DANCE 105. Contemporary Afro Styles and Dance Making (2 units)
DANCE 106. African Styles on Stage (2 units)
DANCE 107. African-American Performance Strategies (2 units)
DANCE 108. Portraiture and Performance (2 units)
DANCE 117. The Body and The Camera (2 units)
(4) TAPS Core Courses: Minimum of 2 courses (8 units)
TAPS 30. How Theater is Designed (4 units)
TAPS 34. Stage Management Techniques (2 units)
TAPS 1. Introduction to Theater & Performance Studies (4 units)
TAPS 101P. How Practice Practices (4units)