
Stanford University Management Science & Engineering Industry Affiliates Program


As part of your membership fee, affiliate members are entitled to:

Faculty Liaison

Direct links are established between a member of the faculty and affiliate. Through this close association, areas of interest common to both organizations are identified and joint projects formulated. One trip per year by the faculty liaison to an affiliate company site, if requested.

Research Project

Participation in student projects where your problems are worked on by teams of students.

Invitation to attend departmental events, workshops, seminars and colloquia at Stanford University, creating the opportunity to meet with faculty and students on the latest field research and engage in an informal exchange of ideas among industry representatives and Stanford University researchers.

Invitation to give presentations of interest to the Department’s faculty and students, thereby keeping academia aware of industry developments.

Student Recruiting

Room space for information sessions and interviews will be provided, with active promotion of your recruiting events. Recommendations from faculty may be provided about students' qualifications in order to facilitate good matches.

Registration to a Stanford Job Fair.

Access to student resumes and job postings via our web based Career Management Tool. (See

Access to Stanford's Career Development Center (CDC).

Industrial Visitor

Invitation to send an industrial visitor to campus with visitor privileges:
Official Title: “Industrial Visitor, Stanford University, MS&E Department, Dates”,
Shared office space, Internet connection, Library & recreation facilities,  
Audit classes upon instructor approval, Invitation to seminars, talks, colloquiums (no administrative support).

Housing Assistance

See our website :


Use of a Management Science and Engineering Affiliates logo in either vertical or horizontal format (shown below), which may be placed on your web site to display your affiliation with Stanford University and our department.

A directory of current faculty/student research in the Department.

Use of the Stanford Engineering library.

Telephone Reference Service - Affiliate is invited to call their department liaison, or other faculty members directly, to request references of papers or books dealing with their current problem.

Stanford Logo and Cross Linked Web Sites

  • We are offering use of a Management Science and Engineering Department logo in either vertical (shown on right) or horizontal format which may be placed on your web site to display your affiliation with Stanford University and our department. Furthermore we will create a page on our Industry Affiliates web site where your logo can serve as a link to your own home page.