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Bicycling at Stanford

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Bicycling is ideally suited to the Stanford area's mild climate, flat terrain and gentle, rolling hills. It's a quiet, affordable, and healthy way to get around. It's also an antidote to the South Bay's growing traffic congestion, noise and air pollution. Bikes aren't just for fun anymore - a growing number of people are choosing to commute on non-motorized wheels. No more playing "musical chairs" in the parking lots. There is plenty of free bicycle parking on campus - an estimated 12,000 bike rack spaces.

Whether biking recreationally or commuting to work or class, Parking & Transportation Services can help you with:

  • Bike registration
  • Biking Around Stanford brochure
  • Mid-Peninsula Bicycle Map (covers Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, and Menlo Park; shows recommended routes).
  • City and county bike maps (you can access the Santa Clara Valley Bikeways map online to pinpoint bike routes all the way from Palo Alto to Gilroy, bordered by Milpitas, Los Gatos, and the Los Altos Hills)
  • Brochures to make your ride easier and safer
  • Clothes locker and bike storage rentals, and information on the location of showers

Contact the campus Bicycle Coordinator

If you have specific questions on bicycling on campus, please call 725-BIKE (2453), stop by Parking & Transportation Services, or email [email protected].

Community online bicycling resources

You can also get information on local cycling, bike shops, and bicycling organizations by visiting the following:

  • will provide you with basic information on getting started, offer advice from experienced bike commuters, and locate bike resources around the Bay Area


LAB logoStanford is a platinum-level "Bicycle Friendly University"
This prestigious designation recognizes Stanford's efforts to create an exceptional environment where bicycling can thrive. Read the press release at the League of American Bicyclists' website.

bike lane symbol

Take the Stanford Bike Safety Pledge!

Commit to wear a helmet every time you ride your bike and to follow the rules of the road when biking and walking.

P&TS and SUDPS logos
Bike Safety & Bike Citation Diversion Classes
Thurs., Oct. 25 @ 4pm or 6pm
No cost to attend! Class flyer (PDF)
Read program description and registration information

$20 bike helmets for saleBike helmets for $20
The Campus Bike Shop and P&TS have teamed up for this special offer — 50% off the regular helmet price! View all models in stock (All colors may not be available).


Find out how many calories you burn during your bike commute (PDF, 16 KB)

Bike education opportunities

Bike Safety & Bike Citation Diversion Classes

P&TS and SUDPS logos

Fix your bike ticket! In lieu of paying a fine or going to court for a bicycle citation, you may elect to participate in the Bicycle Diversion Program sponsored by the Stanford Department of Public Safety and Parking & Transportation Services.

This program is available only during the first 30 days from the date the citation was issued. After that time period, the citation will be sent to the court for normal processing. You may re-take this class after 18 months, just like drivers traffic school. If you have any questions, please contact SUDPS during office hours at (650) 723-9633.

Read the Stanford Report article on the program.

Bike Repair Clinics at the Campus Bike Shop

Learn How to Ride a Bike

Never learned how to ride a bike? We can teach you. Most people can learn the basics of riding a bike in two hours. Send an email to [email protected] to be notified when the next class will be held.

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White Plaza Bicycle Safety Stations

Bicycle Safety Station in White Plaza

  • Held every Friday at White Plaza, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (weather permitting)
  • Come and register your bike, get a free bike safety check-up, pump up those tires and ask questions about bike laws and how to ride on campus.
  • Learn how to lock your bike up properly—avoid bike theft.
  • Free headlights for FROSH and new transfer students.

Bicycle safety repair stands

The repair stands enable bicyclists to make minor repairs and pump up their tires for free, making it more convenient for the campus community to maintain safe bicycles. Multiple tools are securely fastened to the rack, which also serves as a bike stand.


  1. The intersection of Galvez Mall and Escondido, near the Galvez Modular
  2. School of Medicine across from the Li Ka Shing Center (LKSC) bike lockers, between the bike racks along the east side of Beckman
  3. Parking & Transportation Services, 340 Bonair Siding, at the front entrance
  4. Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy (Y2E2) Building, near Cypress Hall and the bike lockers
1. Galvez Mall and Escondido
Bicycle Repair Stand at Galvez Mall and Escondido Rd.
[Map of Galvez Mall location]
3. Parking & Transportation Services
Bicycle Repair Stand at Parking & Transportation Services
[Map of P&TS location]
4. Y2E2 (near Cypress Hall)
Bicycle Repair Stand at Y2E2
[Map of Y2E2 location]

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Folding bicycle promotion

P&TS invites you to try some of our special folding bike offers, brought to you in partnership with the Campus Bike Shop:

Eligibility restrictions apply.* Offer valid for selected models.

Please email [email protected] to take advantage of this promotion. You will be added to the official "folding bike list," which is managed by the Bike Coordinator and is required to receive the free rental or discount promotion.

If you are interested in seeing which models are available, check out the Campus Bike Shop website.

*Eligibility restrictions: Individuals must live off campus, be required to be on campus during business hours at least half-time (if employee) or be registered in classes (if student) for three consecutive months or more; and be required to display a parking permit in their vehicle (if they chose to drive) at their principal place of work or study. Limit one per person.


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Bicycle parking and security

If your bike is stolen, follow these instructions:

  1. Report a stolen bike to Stanford Public Safety Department immediately, 723-9633 or call the local police department within the community where the bike was stolen. To report a theft or other crime in progress call 9-911 on campus phones, 911 from other phones.
  2. Provide the Bike Registration Number, Serial Number, Make, Model, Size and Color

Abandoned bicycles:

If left unattended, a bicycle may be tagged by the Stanford University Department of Public Safety as abandoned. If the bicycle is not removed in 2 weeks, the department may claim it. This abatement process is performed in student living areas and other parts of campus on an ongoing basis. So please, we recommend you do not store your bike for more than 24 hours by locking it to a bike rack, or it may be removed by the time you return. Register your bike so you can be notified in the case that it is picked up as abandoned.

For questions about abandoned bikes, go to the Department of Public Safety website.

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Bicycle registration

All bicycles used on campus must be licensed, as required by the Stanford University Traffic & Parking Code:

Section 7.1 Licensing of Bicycles Required.
(7.1.1) All bicycles used, stored, parked or operated on Stanford property shall be licensed with a valid California bicycle license. Every bicycle must display a valid state-issued sticker imprinted "California Bicycle License" including a unique registration number and a valid state-issued renewal sticker imprinted "California License Renewal" and "Date of Expiration Dec. 31, 20XX" indicating a current registration and including a unique registration number. In this chapter "bicycle" also refers to motorized electric bicycle and motorized scooter.

Note: Proof of ownership may be required to register and license a bicycle.

Register your bike at the Parking & Transportation Services office, 340 Bonair Siding; it's your only chance of recovering it if stolen. The registration fee is $3.50 and lasts for up to three years. There is a short bike registration form to complete. Please note that you must have your bike with you for us to verify the serial number that is engraved on the bike.

Measuring Frame Size

Some of the questions you'll be asked include:

• Frame size (see photo [JPG, 66 KB] on how to measure frame size; yard sticks are available in our office)
• Wheel size (usually listed on the bike tire)
• Bicycle serial number (usually located under bottom bracket of bike)

If you have any difficulty finding this information, ask one of our staff members, and we'll be happy to help you.

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Bicycle storage lockers

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Clothes lockers and showers

Stanford offers several clothes lockers and showers around campus for bike commuters. The rental fee for the clothing lockers is $16 annually. Download an application from the Forms/Applications page.

If you'd like more information on rental availability or a map of these locations, send an email to the Bike Coordinator, or stop by our office for more information.

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Bicycles on public transit

thriving at stanford [without a car] - free resource guide to public transit

All the public transportation options in the Bay Area are bike friendly too. Caltrain, VTA buses, VTA Light Rail, BART and even the Stanford Marguerite shuttle accommodate bicycles with bike racks to mount bikes or with on board capacity. Refer to specific sites for rules and regulations as there are restrictions on some modes of travel: Caltrain (800.660.4287), VTA (408.321.2300), and BART. In addition, a great reference for all transportation-related services is located at

Bicycling safety tips

While riding your bicycle, obey all traffic laws and buy and wear a bicycle helmet! Helmets can greatly reduce the risk of head injuries and death. Don't "hit the road" without one! However, even the best helmet has limitations. Defensive cycling is the key to bicycle safety. According the California Vehicle Code, every person riding a bicycle upon a street or highway has all the rights and responsibilities of the driver of a motor vehicle. You may be cited for running stop signs, riding at an unsafe speed for conditions, riding on the wrong side of the road or upon sidewalks, wearing headphones while riding, talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device, not having legal brakes, etc. Cyclists are required by state law to use front white lights, rear red reflectors, pedal and side reflectors at night. Additional lights are a good idea, especially red rear flashers, light colored clothing, and extra reflectors.

More information about bicycle safety

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Palo Alto Bikestation

The concept of the newly reopened Palo Alto Bikestation is modeled after the Long Beach Bikestation and thousands of successful European and Japanese bike facilities which operate today. Amenities include bike parking, commuter and recreational rentals, bike repairs, basic bicycle accessory sales, changing room and an outdoor seating area with concessions.

The Palo Alto Transit Center is a central hub for the Caltrain commuter train line, SamTrans bus lines, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus lines, and the Dumbarton Express, as well as Stanford University's Marguerite Shuttle. The Bikestation facility is located on the North side of the Depot on the train boarding platform adjacent to the bus loading/unloading area. The Bikestation brings meaning to the term "intermodal transportation" providing Palo Alto with one of the best examples in the country.

The Palo Alto Bikestation is a project of the City of Palo Alto and is managed and operated by Palo Alto Bicycles. For more information, visit:

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Buying & selling used bicycles

Used bicycles offer a less expensive, functional alternative to buying a new bike. For individuals looking to buy a used bicycle, or for those trying to sell one, look here for the best places in the area to buy, sell or advertise a used bike.

Bike shops

There are over 15 bicycle shops in the area of campus, even a shop right on campus for your convenience. Listed below are a few that offer full-service bicycle sales, repairs and more within a 2-mile radius.

Department of Public Safety

Public Safety sells some of the abandoned bikes at Stanford. The bikes are repaired then sold starting at $29 — a great bargain. Get more information on the annual bike sale at the Stanford Public Safety website.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army receives abandoned bikes that are not claimed or purchased by departments during Stanford Public Safety's annual bike sale.

Salvation Army outlets in the SF Bay Area

  • 1806 Linda Dr., Pleasant Hill / (925) 685-6900
  • 812 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz / (831) 429-8118
  • 13577 San Pablo Ave., San Pablo / (510) 236-0847

The online usenet newsgroup

Many bikes and other items are bought and sold using an online bulletin board. You can access the newsgroup via Google Groups.

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Resources for all nonmotorized commuters

Resources for anyone not driving solo on a given day

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Resources/Advocacy organizations

Bay Area


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Bicycle route maps

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Bicycle-related press

Stanford Daily

Stanford Report

School of Medicine: Dean Pizzo's Newsletter

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Parking & Transportation Services is located at 340 Bonair Siding, Stanford, CA 94305-7255.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: 650.723.9362. Fax: 650.724.8676. Email: [email protected]