January/February 2012

Water Course
Rafting down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, a dozen Sophomore College students learned first-hand where the West's water is going, and why there isn't enough to go around.
And Now For Something Completely Different
After a quarter teaching in Oxford, music professor Mark Applebaum takes a whimsical look at British manners, and what you need to know about napkins.
Tide Pools & Terrorists
Biologist Rafe Sagarin, '94, says the lessons nature offers about adaptation and survival could help security experts deter terrorism and manage disasters.
Farm Report
For Alumni, a Weekend on the Farm
Seen and heard at Reunion Homecoming
Research Notebook
Stretchable, see-through sensors
Planet Cardinal
Educating Entrepreneurs to Leverage Growth and Development
Taking entrepreneurship global
Class Notes
A Mind for Machines
John McCarthy
Feminist Nun
Anita Caspary, PhD '48
Crusading Publisher
Howard W. "Tim" Hays, '39
Online Exclusives
The Effort Effect
March/April 2007 -
Seeing at the Speed of Sound
March/April 2013 -
The Menace Within
July/August 2011 -
Let Me Introduce Myself
September/October 2008 -
The Case Against Affirmative Action