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Stanford magazine e-alert list

To receive messages from the Stanford magazine e-alert list, please identify yourself using one of the three methods below. If you have questions, please contact Online Customer Service. Thank you.

I have a Stanford alumni username
If you have a Stanford alumni Username and Password enter them here and click the Continue button.
Retrieve Password I have forgotten my password and need help.

- OR -

I know my Stanford SUID number
If you know your SUID (Stanford ID Number), enter it along with your last name here and click the Continue button.
Last Name
If you do not know your Stanford SUID number, submit the online request form (Identification Information Request Form) or contact Online Customer Service.

- OR -

I need to register
If you do not have a Stanford alumni Username and Password, click the Register button to the right. Once you have completed the registration, you will be added to the Stanford magazine e-alert list.