Engineering Research Administration (ERA) at the School of Engineering (SoE) at Stanford University supports the pre-and post-research administrative activities of SoE Principal Investigators. From the initial proposal submission to the award's final close out, ERA supports excellence and growth in research by delivering quality service, promoting compliance, and harnessing efficiencies. ERA services include the following:
ERA: PI/ RFA Assignments:
For a complete list of Principal Investigators in the School of Engineering served by ERA and their supporting Research and Financial Administrators (RFAs), click here.
Pre-Award Services (Summary):
- Review sponsor solicitation guidelines
- Initiate Proposal Development & Routing Form (PDRF)
- Develop and revise proposed budget and ensure budget accuracy
- Coordinate preparation of collaborative proposals (e.g. sub awards)
- Assemble and upload all components of the proposal
- Review the final proposal for compliance
- Obtain all necessary approvals and signatures
- Work with OSR to ensure final review, approval, and submission to sponsor
- Detailed Pre-Award Roles & Responsibilities
Post-Award Services (Summary):
- Approve transactions charged to sponsored account; verify expenses adhere to applicable policies
- Keep PIs apprised of account balances and spending practices through routine and custom reports
- Review and reconcile expenditure statements
- Facilitate rebudgeting requests and obtain both internal and sponsored approvals
- Process cost transfers
- Facilitate and process no-cost extensions, supplements, and other similar requests
- Close-out accounts and confirm final expenditure
- Detailed Post-Award Roles & Responsibilities
ERA Cluster Design:
- Era is comprised of four clusters, with each serving one or more SoE departments. Clusters locate ERA staff close to Pls so as to foster collaboration, communication, and compliance
ERA Organizational Chart:
- Era reports into the Dean's Office, Administration & Finance. See Org Chart.
SoE Sponsored Research Quick Facts
- PIs in SoE work with over 150 different external sponsors; more than 60% of SoE's consolidated budget is supported by sponsored research ($190M out of $314M).
ERA Redesign: A team of consultants and a Task Force redesigned ERA in 2010. As growth rates in sponsored research within SoE increased over a 10 year period at a CAGR of 6% and as staffing levels in ERA remained stagnant at 1998 levels, the old ERA model was untenable. See 2010 ERA�s redesign for the project�s details.