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The Merck index.


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At the Library

  • Falconer - Reference (Non-circulating)
    • Latest yr. or vol. only
    • Latest: ed.14 (2006)
    1. RS356 .M524 ED.14 2006 in-library use only
  • Hopkins - Reference (Non-circulating)
    1. RS356 .M524 ED.12 1996 in-library use only
  • Hopkins - Stacks
    • Library has: ed.11(1989)-ed.12(1996)
    1. RS356 .M524 ED.11 1989
  • Swain - Permanent Reserve
    • Latest yr. (or vol.) on PERM-RES; earlier in SAL3
    • Library has: ed.13(2001)-ed.14(2006)

Other libraries

Rahway, N.J. : Merck & Co., 1968-
  • Journal/Periodical, Database
  • v. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Vol/date range:
8th ed. (1968)-
Subtitle varies. First ed. published in 1889 under title: Merck's index of fine chemicals and drugs for the materia medica and the arts; 2d ed. under title: Merck's 1896 index; 3d ed. under title: Merck's 1907 index; 4th ed. (1930), under title: Merck's index; 6th-7th ed. (1952-60), under title: The Merck index of chemicals and drugs.
Includes bibliographical references.
Contains 10,955 monographs describing significant chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. The entries are not a listing of Merck & Co., Inc. products, but rather cover a wide range of compounds, which have been selected on the basis of present or historic importance and interest. Each monograph is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. The information provided includes chemical, common and generic names, trademarks and their associated companies, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers, molecular formulas and weights, physical and toxicity data, therapeutic and commercial uses, citations to the chemical, biomedical and patent literature, and chemical structures. Also includes: Organic Name Reactions: this section is comprised of 446 named reactions and an index. A concise reference history and associated reaction schema are provided for each reaction or sub-reaction. Additional tables: a compilation of over 60 p. of tables including a glossary is provided to supplement the material presented in the monographs.
Latest edition also available on the Internet to registered users. 14th ed. (2006) also issued on accompanying CD-ROM.
Available online to Stanford-affiliated users.
Related Work:
Chembiooffice Ultra 2008
Merck's index of chemicals and drugs


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