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19th century masterfile [electronic resource].


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Sterling, VA : Paratext
  • Book, Database
Title Variation:
Nineteenth century masterfile
Also known as: NCM
Former subtitle: Digital index of the nineteenth century
Former Title:
Poole's plus <Aug. 2001>
Vol/date range:
Began in 1990s?
Title from main search screen (viewed Oct. 16, 2002).
  • 1. Multi-title periodical indices. Poole's Index to periodical literature (1802-1906) ; Jones & Chipman's Index to legal periodical literature (1786-1922) ; Richardson's index to periodical articles in religion (1890-1899) ; The psychological index (1894-1905) ; Stead's Index to periodicals (1890-1906) ; Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals (1896-1899) ; Catalog of scientific papers--mechanics, physics, mathematics
  • 2. Book indexes and serial records. ALA guide to general literature ; Wright American fiction II (1851-1875) ; 19th century monograph records ; 19th century periodical records
  • 3. Newspaper indexes. New York times index (1863-1905) ; New York Daily Tribune Index (1875-1906) ; Palmer's Index to the Times (London) (1880-1890) ; Index to the Oregon spectator (1846-1854)
  • 4. Periodical indexes with full text links. Harpers magazine index (1850-1892) ; Atlantic monthly index (1857-1901) ; North American review (1815-1877) ; New England magazine index (1831-1835) ; Southern Historical Society papers ; The American missionary (1878-1901) ; The Bay State monthly (1884-1886) ; The American Whig review (1845-1852) ; The Century (1881-1899) ; The continental monthly (1862-1864) ; The Galaxy (1866-1878) ; Library journal index (1876-1897) ; The International monthly magazine (1850-1852) ; The living age (1844-1900) ; Manufacturer and builder (1869-1894) ; The old guard (1865-1867) ; Punchinello (1870) ; Putnam's monthly (1853-1870) ; Scientific American (1846-1869) ; Scribner's magazine (1887-1896) ; Scribner's monthly (1870-1881) ; The United States democratic review (1837-1859) ; The New England magazine (1886-1900) ; New Englander and Yale review (1843-1892)-- 5. Patent and government document indices. Congressional Record File. Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873) ; Descriptive catalog of the government publications of the U.S. (1774-1881) ; Compilation of the message and papers of the presidents (1789-1897) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Commons only (1803-1830) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Lords only (1803-1830) ; Cobett's Parliamentary history of England (1066-1803) ; Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873).
Access limited to subscribers.
Indexes nineteenth century literature, including newspapers, periodicals, books, and government publications.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Paratext, LLC.
Included Work:
Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894. Poole's index to periodical literature.


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