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Artbibliographies modern.


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English, French, German, English, French or German.
Oxford, Eng. [etc.] Santa Barbara, Calif., Clio Press [etc.]
  • Journal/Periodical, Database
  • v. 30 cm.
Title Variation:
Art bibliographies modern
Semiannual, 1973-
Vol/date range:
v. 4- 1973-
Vols. 1-3, 1969-71, reissued in 1974? with title: Artbibliographies modern. None published for 1972.
Abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and exhibition reviews. The scope of ARTbibliographies Modern extends from artists and movements beginning with Impressionism in the late 19th century, up to the most recent works and trends in the late 20th century. Photography is covered from its invention in 1839 to the present. A particular emphasis is placed upon adding new and lesser-known artists and on the coverage of foreign-language literature. Approximately 13,000 new entries are added each year. Published with title LOMA from 1969-1971.
Also issued online.
Finding Aid:
Vols. 1-5, 1969-74. 1 v.; v. 6-10, 1975-79. 1 v.; v. 11-15, 1980-84. 1 v.; v. 16-18, 1985-87. 1 v.
Related Items:
Vols. for 1969-71 published in London by Lund Humphries Publishers and in Santa Barbara, Calif. by American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, with title: LOMA; literature on modern art.
Issued <1996-> also in a CD-ROM format (with both a basic and an expanded edition) with title: Artbibliographies modern on disc.
LOMA (0090-7235)
Key Title:
Artbibliographies modern


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