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Aerospace & high technology database [electronic resource].


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Beginning date:
Bethesda, MD : Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,
  • Book, Database
Title Variation:
Aerospace and high technology database
CSA aerospace & high technology database
Former Title:
Aerospace database
Coverage as of Oct 6, 2002: (1962)- Updated monthly. Title from web page (viewed on July 13, 2001).
Access limited to readers at subscribing institutions.
Provides citations and abstracts of basic and applied research in aeronautics, astronautics, and space sciences; in addition to journal literature, the database also includes coverage of reports issued by NASA and other U.S. government agencies. Major areas of coverage include aerodynamics; aircraft design and instrumentation; chemistry and chemical engineering; communications and navigation; electronics and electrical engineering; energy production and conversion; environmental pollution; fluid mechanics and heat transfer; geophysics and earth resources; lasers and masers; life sciences; materials; mathematical and computer sciences; mechanical engineering; meteorology, climatology, and oceanography; physics (solid state, thermodynamics, atomic and molecular, nuclear and high-energy, optics, acoustics, plasmas); propellants and fuels; quality assurance and reliability; social sciences; space sciences; spacecraft design and systems engineering; structural mechanics.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Online access available to Stanford-affiliated users only.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, inc. Internet Database Service.
Related Work:
Scientific and technical aerospace reports.
International aerospace abstracts.
Available in another form:
Also available in print: International aerospace abstracts 0020-5842 (DLC) 65-56077 (OCoLC)1696171
Includes material from the former print title: Scientific and technical aerospace reports 0036-8741 (DLC) 64-39060 (OCoLC)1645472


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