Stanford Libraries will be operating on reduced hours from Saturday, December 14, 2024 through Sunday, January 5, 2025. For more information about services during this period, please visit the Libraries Intersession and Winter Closure page.

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Images, maps, data, & more from the Stanford Digital Repository.

Government documents

Stanford is a depository library for state, federal, UN, and EU government documents.

Theses & dissertations

All student work held in the Stanford Libraries & Digital Repository.
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Course reserves

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A-Z list of topic-specific databases. Not sure where to start? Try these selected databases.

IIIF resources

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Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.


Journal articles, e-books, and other e-resources.


Course- and topic-based guides to collections, tools, and services.

Library website

Libraries and subject specialists; blogs, events, and policies.


Digital showcases for research and teaching.


Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.

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