
The American Politics Workshop provides a forum for graduate students and faculty in American politics to discuss the main themes of research in the field today.  The meetings are broken down by substantive topic areas and include:  discussion of published work, working papers, faculty and student presentations, and guest speakers.  The aim of this workshop is for participants to gain a better understanding of the key questions in a variety of substantive areas of American politics and to see where students can contribute with their own work. Faculty Conveners: Shanto Iyengar and Paul Sniderman

The Comparative Politics Workshop provides an opportunity for graduate students and faculty engaged in comparative and historical research to present work "in progress" to an audience that is neither specialized in area or era. Thus, the purpose of the workshop is to draw out themes from papers that are based on specialized historical and comparative research that transcend the period and region covered. Papers will be posted generally by Thursday before the seminar. It will be assumed that all participants have read the paper before the workshop, and little time will therefore be expended in summarizing the paper. All members of the university community are welcome to participate in this workshop. Faculty Conveners: Karen Jusko and Jonathan Rodden

The International Relations Workshop features presentations by students, Stanford faculty, and faculty from other leading institutions and is an important forum for students to engage with new and exciting IR research. The workshop offers students an opportunity to further integrate themselves into a professional community comprised of Stanford faculty, scholars from other institutions, and most importantly, student peers at all stages of doctoral work. The IR Workshop takes place Fridays from 11:30 to 1pm, in Encina Hall West, Room 400. Faculty Convener: Judith Goldstein

The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical aspects and empirical applications of statistical modeling in the social sciences. The workshop is designed to have both pedagogical sessions and more specialized presentations from invited speakers. This workshop will resume meeting in the Fall & Winter Quarters of 2012-2013. Faculty Conveners: Clayton Nall and Adam Bonica

The Political Theory Workshop offers faculty and other scholars an opportunity to present "in progress" or recently completed work to a diverse audience from political science, philosophy, law, and other social sciences and humanities.  Workshop papers come from all areas of political theory, including normative and positive theory, legal theory, and the history of political thought.  Papers are circulated ten days before the seminar. Participants are expected to read the paper before the workshop.  Each session begins with comments and questions on the paper by a discussant, a brief response from the author, followed by a general discussion.  All members of the university community are welcome to attend the workshop. Faculty Conveners: Joshua Cohen and Alison McQueen

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